Monday, December 1, 2008

玩转怡保(5 days in IPOH)!!

2008年11月25日,我和一位朋友共同搭乘TRANSNASIONAL巴士从芙蓉TERMINAL1通往怡保MEDAN GOPENG。我俩寄住在我宿舍ROOMATE位于MENGLEMBU(万里望)的家。我们享用了“老黄芽菜鸡”,“鸡丝河粉”,“河嘻”等。睡了一晚后,旅程正式开始。一大早,我们三个连同另一个朋友到MENGLEMBU出名的怡保“升旗山”爬山。汗珠从我们身上一滴一滴地滴下,我们个个都累坏了,但是却非常爽,享受着爬山的乐趣。爬完山后,我们四人便去三宝洞,观音洞,极乐洞等。这时我才发现原来怡保处处都是洞,佩服!

第二天,我们再通往TAMBUNTHE LOST WORLD 水上乐园玩。玩空中飞行,逆水赛跑与泡温泉,我们个个都像小孩子般玩得不亦乐呼,一点都不像是大学生。玩水后我们再去吃STEAMBOT,每人RM18.90,任拿任吃,几够值得一下XD!

Taking photos in front of the Kellie's Castle

Do you spot the difference between these 2 photos??It is him.....Mr. Smith Kellie

第三天一早,我们去参观古迹也是传说中的鬼屋—凯利古堡(KELLIE CASTLE)。 200 多年前,一对恩爱夫妇诞下了爱的结晶品,就决定盖下一个宏伟的豪宅延续着美满的家园。岂料建设中主人家SMITH KELLIE 在外地公干时不幸去世,建设工程就从此暂停,他的遗孀也带着孩子搬回SCOTTLAND。传说SMITH的鬼魂一直都留在古堡里监视着建设工程的进展,可是我却无法拍到他的鬼魂。又有传说指如果能在古堡里刻下自己和心爱人的姓名的话,SMITH 的鬼魂将会庇佑这份真挚的爱情。 我本来有个冲动想要这么刻,可是看见被外人刻到面目全非的墙壁,我刻不下手,破坏了古堡的原貌。我想如果SMITH先生看见自己的古堡变成这样,一定心痛不已。

Vegetables in Cameron Highland

之后我们便驱车走着走着便不知不觉上了金马伦高原(CAMERON HIGHLAND)。 住在山上的友人带我们去品尝好茶时不幸途中下起大雨,土崩造成车辆排长龙。等呀等呀,天黑了我们还没下到山。夜间下大雨的视度就只有30%,再加上路上又没有路灯的关系,车里的人都怕怕的。幸而上天保佑,我们终于安全回到家,真是啊弥陀佛!!

Gua Tempurung

第四天一早我们便通往BATU GAJAH 的椰壳洞(GUA TEMPURUNG)。最衰的是天不做美,快下雨了,我们被逼走洞里的干路,不是湿路,一点挑战性都没有。之后我们便去金保(KAMPAR)面包咖喱鸡,再去参观那里的UTAR, 在湖边留下倩影。

Taking photo at the side of the UTAR lake

最后一天早上吃过早餐后,我们便通往霹雳洞(GUA PERAK)看看,顺道再去GUNUNG LANG看风景。这一次乃是我人生中第一次和朋友出外旅游,非常愉快。但是快乐的时光过得特别快,又是时候离开怡保了,真的非常舍不得。真希望下一次会有机会再到怡保一游,在此也非常感谢住在怡保的朋友们肯抽出时间带我们去玩,你们是最棒的!!

Perak Tong

5 声响屁!!:

arct said...

noticed how different kampar's utar compared to our johor uthm? a whole new town(kampar new town) is developed in less than 3 years, our uthm developed from ittho to kuittho then now uthm and the town is still the same.

plus look at the place the utarians are staying. that is what i called a proper accomodation. that is how campus life should be. man i missed that place, will go there again this month i think.


arct said...

btw bersyukur u would be working for the gov. i know u'll hav to work with them but with the economy now, i think gov is the only stable work around. u know how i hate them too. at least those ulu ulu or terlalu agama fanatic one. those kl or open minded malays are still ok tho.

(",) said...

yup,the accomodation provided for those who study in UTAR is really very beautiful ler....Why or hostel have so much diferent from them? And there are more leng lui to 'gap' in the UTAR too...hehe...

Anonymous said...

weh u noe wat..da accommodation is not oni beautiful lor.da most wonderful thing is they can mix gender to stay in 1 house lor.
whn oni can tiz happen in our place huh?

(",) said...

our place oso can do like dat the never reached future lor...haha!!