Friday, May 30, 2008

Wulala, it's your Birthday>>>>Present

Haha, i just received my 21st years old birthday's present, or the only present for my 21st birthday, from someone that i knew for almost 14 years. Ya, she is the one, my friend from my beloved and the most close friends' group. Even though my date of birth has past already, i'm very happy because still can received birthday's present. Actually my friend bought the present before my birthday. And she didn't has free time to give me because i seldom go out or hang out with her and the other friends. Yesterday only i have the opportunity to get the present. After singing ktv with other friend, i went to meet my friend, and got the present from her. I was thinking what would she gave me. Reached home and opened my present then only i knew what was being wrapped inside. It is a toy like electronic device that can put pen or pencil on it. It is better to be shown than be described. Its image is as belows:


My Asshole

Do you know how special is this toy? It can voice out when we put our pen into its asshole. I've tried for many times and about 15 different sentences came out. For example: "Argh~Oh~", "No~No~Oh No~", "Augh, it's hurt!", "Oouu~~", "Oh yeah~I feel good!",.... I think 'fucking asshole' are the most suitable words to describe this product, haha....Anyway, i will very appreciate this present given by my friend. Thanks, pal!

Monday, May 26, 2008


哈哈, 又是几星期,或是几个月一度的华文部落格又诞生了. 这一次的主题是.........没错, 就是无聊! 无聊的爱情故事灵感来自朋友部落格里的男女感情. 别说我事先没说好, 这故事的确是挺无聊的. 如果您觉得读了之后, 不会无聊的话, 那您就继续读下去吧! 本故事纯属虚构,内容如下:

在一个离城市不远的乡区里住着一家人. 故事中的女主角就是生长在这一个家庭里的小女儿,称之为"女孩". 女孩自小生长在一个家教甚严的平庸家庭,在家人眼中, 女孩的学业永远得摆在第一位, 其他东西如爱情等, 永远是免谈!虽然女孩自小学就开始暗恋他人,踏入中学也经常感受到别人的追求,尤其是马来同胞的追求, 但在这种环境下长大的她,根本就没用勇气接受.

一天复一天,一年复一年,女孩终于长大了,年龄已满21岁,还入读了本地一所大学. 大学的生活与环境对女孩来说是挺陌生的, 一切东西都得由女孩亲自动手, 她知道自己已不再是往年温室里的一朵小花了. 在大学里的生活是苦闷的, 但这一切很快就改变了.在一次巧合的机遇下, 女孩与故事中的男主角-"男孩"相遇,接着就相识了.大学里的图书馆不仅是读书或借书的好去处, 也是女孩遇见男孩的好地方. 说也奇怪, 女孩的第一眼已深深地被男孩吸引着, 经那次之后就对男孩念念不忘, 难道这就是传说中的"一见钟情"?

每一次相遇, 女孩心中总是有一种甜蜜的感觉. 渐渐地男孩在女孩的心中占据了一个相当重要的地位. 女孩也感到男孩似乎对自己有点好感, 于是便吩咐朋友去察探男孩是否对自己有好感. 岂知回来的消息竟是晴天霹雳. 原来男孩早已有了心上人, 心上人还是别有他人, 女孩当时感到万分的迷惘. "难道这一切都只是我的憧憬和错觉, 他不曾对我有好感?"女孩不停的地反复思索着. 女孩思索了将近一个星期, 在这一段期间男孩的友人也劝勉女孩放弃对男孩的感情. 终于, 女孩想明白了. 女孩决定放下这段感情, 立志把学业给搞好, 还坚决地对男孩友人说她早已放下了对男孩的感情.事实上, 女孩并没有完全地放下这段感情, 口是心非而已, 但她相信时间能冲淡一切, 也认为忙碌能让她不再想起这一切一切. 这一切其实是暂时性的, 短暂的.

当女孩在家无聊地渡着两个月长的大学假期时, 男孩那俊俏的脸孔不断涌现在她的脑海中, 甚至连晚上做梦也会梦见男孩. 女孩还会不时看看自己的手机是否会有男孩的来电或短讯记录, 也不时上网查看是否能在聊天室遇见男孩, 但结果是什么也没有. 女孩心中还是惦记着男孩, 只是没说出口而已. 可是, 女孩依然还记得自己多年前曾对家人许下的诺言, 那就是一定要专心把书读好, 大学毕业之后才想男女之间的感情. 看来女孩这一次真得完完全全地放下男孩, 但她能够做得到吗?...........................................(完)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Si-Chuan 5-12......Myanmar......Natural disaster.....

Huh, finally the whole programs or activities that were organized by my hometown's temple--'Tai Aik Kong 太乙宫' past. I can really have a fully rest now but i might start boring also. Recall back what i had done during the past few days. I became the vice-secretary for the classical singing contest which was organized by my temple. I responsible in jotting down all the marks that were scored by all the candidates and arranged them into the winner's short-list. The contest had been organized for 3 days including the final, with total of 80 participants. 31 of them had been finalized to compete again on 18th May, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes had been awarded to the participants, all 3 are guys. Actually i planned to test singing on the singing stage on 18th May, like what my dad did on the previous 2 days. But, damned participants, they came so early to test singing. So, i was forced to help them registered their name and let them tested singing. Sigh!
And my temple was celebrating its 'birthday' on 19th May, which is the next day of final. My temple had a dinner night and attracted more than thousand people to come for it. Some VIP, or Very Important People had been invited also to come. Remember, not Very Idiot Person, they are some well-known people with 'Dato' or 'JP' added in front of their name. Besides, the hottest people, our Prime Minister-Pak Lah's son-in-law, Khairil also was invited to become one of the guests for that dinner night. Still remember who is he? He is the one who started the politics' topic that critic about Chinese's rights. Fortunately at the end, he apologized for his fault. Else, I don't think that Malaysia now is still in peace condition. and i think that also lead to the worse results that had been obtained by BN in the passed selection. At that night, i thought my job in temple was finish and can enjoy my dinner already. But, actually, it isn't finished. While i was enjoying my dinner, my auntie took 1 box and passed it to me and asked me to help her collecting the money of donation from all the guests. That donation is for charity of course, for helping those victims in Si-Chuan's earthquake and also victims in Myanmar's taufan disaster. I had been asked to do the harder job, was collecting money of donation from those VIP, including Malay VIP. And i was so lucky. 1 reporter took my picture while i was collection donation from a Malay VIP and the picture came out in the Sin Chew Daily's newspaper, the part for Negeri Sembilan's news which i read this morning. This is the first time my picture comes out with bigger size in the newspaper where people can clearly see my face in that picture. The picture of my dad together with other authorities when they were giving souveniers to the VIPs also came out locating besides of my picture but in a smaller size and blur image. My dad was laughing saying that he was the president for that dinner night but his picture is much more smaller than mine. Haha, so lucky am i. We had collected total of RM25,000 that night for the natural disaster that happened inSi-Chuan and Myanmar. Wow, if i get that money, then i can buy a lot a lot of things already....... I really hope that those money can help those victims. They are very pity, so many people died because of those disasters. And how about you? Have you donate for the natural disaster's victims? Or, have you even donate for charity purpose?.....Just kidding!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

What Ah Yong feels today.........

Today morning, my dad didn't ask me to go out helping him at the temple there since i told him that i don't want to help doing works at the temple anymore by giving a lot of reasons yesterday. I thought he might be angry with me but soon i know it is not. Because today he started the conversation between us about a English movie when we were having our lunch at home. Then, seems that everything is fine, i asked for my mum's permission to hang out with friends at Seremban on Saturday.Even though she had agreed to let me out but soon she kept saying some words like scolding me at the time softly. She kept saying: "All of your siblings include you r very lucky and 'senang' nowadays. Do less works, not like your dad and me when we were like your age. Last time we had to work hard days and nights, and look what you people do now? Always go out playing and enjoying. Ask you fellows to do some works only, you all said don't want, here pain, there pain...." I do agree with some of what she said. My siblings, including me are quite lazy in doing houseworks at home, especially my youngest sister. I don't mean to talk about something bad about her. But she is really never do any houseworks unless being forced by others.I was once also like her, doig nothing at home, very lazy. But soon i saw my mum tired doing the houseworks,finally i felt very sorry to her. Start from the next day, i changed already, start helping my mum doing part of the houseworks. And till now, my mum and me are the only two persons who do all the houseworks at home. So, everytime isaw my youngest sister, i will keep scolding her to do some houseworks. I threatened her by saying that actually girls should know how to do houseworks, else, there will nobody will love you or even marry you. But, those words doesn't work on her. She is so studborn and keep ignoring what i said. My mum also like to compare us wif the others. She everytime want us to be like others who very good in doing works. But, everyone is different from what qualities they own.Nobody is perfect. For example, my cousin. He is quite hardworking and good in doing tough work like lifting heavy things which i can't. She wants me to be like him. And everytime i quite angry if i being compared to the others. I was thinking if i want to be like him, it is possible. i can become like that if i stop my studies untill SPM level and go out finding jobs. But why my parents want me to be excellent and graduate from university? Why my parents don't ever think in different way?Like my cousin should become like my brother and sister, continue studying after SPM and graduate from university with good results. Then find an easy job that offers high salary by just holding a pen or clicking on computer? Everyone sure have their weakness and they might be very good in other field. If everyone wants to specify on certin field only, for example being a worker, then who will be the instructor, or boss? Hah, after expressing my moods here, i feel better now.So, what do you all think about this problem? Can share with me?

Monday, May 12, 2008

HaPpY mOtHeR's DaY

ya, today is 11th May 2008 (Saturday), Mother's Day.Not everyone comes back to celebrate it because my family do not celebrate it outside, just simply my eldest sister cooks for lunch. Yesterday night, i have a gathering with other friends (hometown buddies) at 1 of my buddies, Ah Kheng's birthday party at her home. After eating and chatting until about 11pm, we went for "trip" to the nearby Fun-Fair. We took several pictures there. I backed at 12.30am and slept at 1am. But these are not the main topic for this blogs. The main topic is Mother's Day. I woke up on this morning at 9am and the 1st thing i do is finding the location of my target, or victim, who is my mum. When i found my target, I quickly went to her side, gave her a polar-bear hugs, and beside her left ear i said: Maam, Happy Mother's Day!! At first i wish to give her a kiss too but before i want to do this, her response is: Yer, so geli~! So, i stopped my next plan immediately. She gave response like that because this was the first time i implement such a 'geli' action on her. I think this was the classic way that most of the sons/daughters use to wish their mum.Then, after having my breakfast, i've been forced to go out to a temple at my place called 'Tai Aiks Gong' to help doing something. Because the birthday of this temple is just around the corner, so my dad asked me to go there with him doing the cleaning, arranging and preparation job for the temple. Actually it is good if we can volunteered to do something for your religious. But, what i fed out was, the "instructor" holding Justice Of Peace (JP), who gave instruction of doing anything in the temple. This morning, he asked me to take something to another place. After just couple of minutes, he suddenly changed his mind and asked me to take the things back. "Fuck You, Man!!" i wanted to shout out but i didn't. i just wonder why he can't make a final decision that won't change before he asked others to do something? Freak! Then, finally is lunch time. After i went back to house to have my lunch, i faster went taking bathe because i sweat a lot while in the temple just now. After eating, i didn't go out to help anymore although my dad asked me to go out. Am i considered lazy? Actually it is not. i got reason why i don't want to go out. First, i have an uncured disease, on my three fingers of my right hands. i don't know what is happening to my fingers,they were infected and last for almost 1 year already.And recently they become worse.Maybe next time i would upload photo of my fingers here. 2nd, i hate to work again under the lousy instructor. i will still scolding him inside my heart eventhough he is my dad's best friend. Then, until night, i was chatting with a guy that is younger than me. i don't know why i told him about my puppies' love story. it is actually not a love story, because the love between 1 girl and i had not started at all.He also agree that my love story is very touching. But soon i've changed my mind. I scared later the guy will spread my secret to the others. So, i informed him that what i told him was all lying. I think he will believe of what i said because i used to cheat and lie to him. I do not have any choice. Because i just know him for not more than 1 year and thus i don't know how well is he in keeping the 'secret'. Sorry lo, young man!Oops, 12am already, not Mother's Day already. But in my heart, everyday is Mother's Day for me and all sons/daughters should think like me. If u show only your love to your mum during real Mother's Day, then it might be too late. So, better appreciate the time with the one that you like the most before it is too late, ok?

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Oh ya, today i woke up at 8.30am and when i was still in blur condition, my mum asked me to fetch her together with my grandman and auntie to the Asah's Hospital which is located at Seremban.My grandma can be considered as an aged woman and some common diseases for aged people are found in her body. She had a fever few days ago and her leg 'bengkak' for few days already. Yesterday she just being fetched to Malacca's hospital for leg's treatment. But she still suffered for the leg's pains after seeing the doctor. So, we tried to go for the Asah's hospital to search for treatment. Actually, i didn't know where is exactly the location of the hospital. Then, my mum asked my untie who knows the location of the hospital to sit beside of me in the car and guide me the direction and way to travel to the hospital. Finally, we reached. There were a lot of patients waiting there for doctors and we had to wait for about 3 hours. Within the 3 hours, I was boring and had nothing to do inside there. Then, i fell sleep very soon on the resting chair in the hospital. I guessed at that time might have some people staring at my funny sleeping posture. After that, i fetched them back and reach home at about 3.00pm. Next, what was going to be happened?........Haha, of course nothing else to be happened. I did a big business after i reached is...............continue zzz..........(",)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

My blogs setting got some problem because the time and date setting are not accurate. This is my latest posted blog, on 03-05-2008, 9.20pm. Today is my birthday and i don't celebrate it by organizing party or what.Morning, i go shopping in Tampin with my mum and my brother. Then i went back and later my sister came back.After chatting with her for a while, i started washing my "White Rider" and when i finished my work, i played badminton with my 2 sisters. Today i din celebrate my birthday with my friends because i feel tired and sleepy today, lazy want to hang out with my friends. So, today will passed like normal and after today i will become an adult already, 21st years old. Fortunately i received a lot of wishing messages from my friends since yesterday night. Haiz....This is how i passed my 21st years old birthday.