Tuesday, May 26, 2009


星期日早上,和朋友们唱完K后,我便在JUSCO里捐血。当天,一名无经验的医务马来安娣,往我的右手插了用来抽血的针下去,抽着抽着,开头一切都很顺利,突然间我的血流得越来越慢,她赶紧去找另一个华人医务人员来看看。那位华人安娣一见状,便马上把那支正插在我右手上的针拔进拔出,又左右两旁移动,再用PAM血压的器材加压,搞了半天,我的血还是一样,毫无反应。最后眼看自己的右手已开始麻痹,快无感觉,整支手已呈现紫色,她们才告诉我可能刚才空气进入我血中,导致血袋里的血已凝固了一大部分。我的天呀,我的血已装至差不多1/2包血袋了,现在才告诉我那包血袋里的血不能输给任何病人了, 就此作废!休息了一下,另一支针就往我的左手血脉的部位狠狠地咬了一口,大口大口地在吸食着。最后,捐血过程才圆满结束。那天,我总共丧失了大概有700ML的血(左手450ML,右手250ML)。 本以为一切都已结束,才刚捐完血,便马上拔了刚才贴在右手上的胶布(为了在女性朋友面前耍帅吗!)谁知其中一位朋友因为身体不适,晕了过去。在帮忙扶他起来时,不知是不是用了一点力,我右手的伤口爆裂了,又留血了(PS:右手的伤口特别大一点,还有瘀青一大片,都怪刚才那位马来安娣的杰作)!我的妈呀,又见血了,还把我名牌的长袖衣内侧染上了血迹。我赶忙卷起长袖,不断地吹着伤口,好让血快点凝固。还好伤口比我想象中复原的快,两天时间,右手上的瘀青已慢慢转淡,没那么痛了,今晚还可以和爸一同去练羽球。至于有朋友问我,在上一个BLOG里所说的模拟女友究竟是谁。其实我已说得很明白,她是不存在的,是为了让我自己暂时有爱的感觉而被创造出来的。一直以来我常说看台湾爱情偶像剧的人都是白痴,浪费时间,现在我才知道它很有用。现在我正追看着贺军祥和SHE里的HEBE所演的《斗牛。要不要》,看了这套戏后,我才明白为何现在的年轻人那么爱看偶像剧。 充满着丰富想象力的我,当然也会试着被故事中男女之间的爱情故事所感染啦,以加速令我产生爱的感觉,当然是幻想的啦,哈哈。。。

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gunung Datuk

Today is 17th May 2009, I've planned a personal trip to go hking at Gunung Datuk which is just located near to my house in Rembau, N.Sembilan. Although it is just few miles away from my house, this is the 1st time I climbed Gunung Datuk, what a shamed....Those who accompanied me are 2 friends from Gemas (we knew each other in Form 6). We need to pay RM3 per person as the registration fees, what rule is this? For your information, G. Datuk's height is 885 meter (2,900 feet). And we spent about 4 hours(1.75hrs spent for climbing up-hill, 0.5hrs to stay on the top taking photos, and 1.75hrs for climbing down-hill)

This is up-to-down landscape photo of Rembau
(Took on the top of G. Datuk, quite blur coz megapixels not high enuf:P)

Can u see how big is the rock on the above photo?

Yup, the photo belows was took when i stood on the regarding rock (YEAH)

What a Beautiful scenery up there!!(I took off my shoes, kaka!)

The photo above is the legendary and historical Datuk's footprint on the rock. Some of them said that it was here when Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat fought on the hill and left it. No comment whether it is true or false....

My foot ngam ngam suit to the footprint...Is it means that I'm the legendary Datuk? Unbelievable...

This trip is the trip that i planned since many years ago but never work. However, now it works already(though the members are not so many). Finally i get to hike on the G. Datuk

...Task Completed...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 Days 1 Night in KUKUP.....

On 8th May 2009, some of my classmates + friends & I went for a vacation at Kukup (located in Pontian, Johor) just right after our last paper-Digital Electronics on that day. We departed at around 1pm and reached there at 3pm. Kukup can be considered as a fishing village in which the houses there are built on the sea.

This is the house we rented to stay for 1 night...Bungalow ler.....

Belows are our lunch + dinner

How About Entertainments?

Sing Kara-ok....Jay Chow appears in KUKUP liao~

Few kaki-judi play Mahjong here...Police!!

At the meantime, others are playing poker cards...

What a relaxing beautiful morning~

Take photo, SmIl3S!!

Everyone is Posing~!

We're celebrating our birthday 2gether...

Birthday date: (from left)Me:3th May,Wei Jie:7th May,DK:1st May,Boon:2nd May

Go to see Paya Bakau near to the Taman Negara

The sampan is no more can stand for our weight....


The bridge...

Monday, May 4, 2009

It was Your Buffday..Make A Wish!!

Yesterday was my 22-years-old birthday(3th May 2009). My family celebrated it with me at home without having a special birthday party or what, it was just simply a birthday meal in the morning. Belows are my Birthday meals:

2 small pieces of birthday cakes+3 red boiled eggs+Chinese noodles' soup (面线汤).....

Let me Chef Liong introduce you all the Chinese traditional noodles soup. Tasty & 'Ho Jiak'!

How about my birthday gift? Currently i just received 1 from my parents.
It is Ferrari 599 GTB FIORANO models car (From shell petrol-station) Is it looks cool?!

And i do have received a lot of birthday wishes from my dearest friends via different media such as sending message through live messenger, sms through phone and some even directly call to my handphone. The number of my friends who wished me is uncountable.......if i count with fingers that i have la, haha...! I really happy and appreciate of their wishes. Thanks a lot, ladies and gentlemen.......

Saturday, May 2, 2009

创新 VS 怀旧

今天是5月2日的星期六,也是我大哥与CLASSMATE 香蕉人BOON YONG 的生日。经过了昨天在KL忙碌“扫货”了一整天,今天只好在家休息休息一下。明天就是本少爷的生日了,应该不会刻意地庆祝,最多是出外和家人吃一两餐。我想自我懂事以来,真正庆祝过我生日的次数5根手指都数得完。 每一年的生日前夕,我都会想着同样的问题:“呃,明天我的生日会怎么过呢?”结果呢,每年的生日还是一样的过。我并不表示要任何亲戚朋友陪我庆祝啦,只是我期待着会有新花样出现,而且是要创新的概念!本来这次能够和以往不一样,能留在大学里和一班朋友庆祝,怎知我姐突然来电说她与哥都回来了,要提早庆祝“母亲节”,所以叫我也会去一起庆祝。

说着说着,我想起昨天刚回到家时,我妈跟我说前几天来了一封我的信。直到今天我才拆开了这封信。这封信共用了3 张FOOLSCAPE A4 PAPER, 而且都布满了估计有〉500个汉字,但却全都塞进了一个超小的信封里,挺有趣的!翻开信封,看着一堆熟悉的字迹,似曾相识。再看见一句亲切又搞怪的称呼:“老YONG”,顿时我就想起了对方是谁。艺心是我5年前参与KL的CAMP时认识的小妹妹。当时我和一班朋友受人委托到KL去帮手办一个似乎为KL“有钱小孩”而设的森林露营。我因为爱玩,所以拒绝了当节目策划或站长,走去当队长,进而认识了同组组长-陈艺心(ORGANISER的女儿)。她当时只有12岁,但却是里面最年长的,所以咱们的代沟并不是很大。想着以前和这个傻里傻气的“妹妹”度过的那两个CAMP的时光是多么的愉快,真怀念!之后的两年里我们还有以通信来联络。接着大家有了MSN ACCOUNT 又交换了之后,反而没有再通信,也很少在网上聊天了。至到昨天收到了这阔别了两三年的信,心里非常的开心,证明了我们的友情并没有因为时间的流逝而淡化掉。写信的确有它本身的乐趣,尤其是那种在写信或收到和读着给自己的信时的心情是温暖的。尽管现今科技如何的发达,可以使用电子邮件或MESSENGER在最短的时间内传达信息,但都体验不出这些亲眼看着对方在信里用自己的一笔一字所带出来的心情。好了,我也是时候要回信了,就此搁笔!阿YONG,生日快乐,我对自己说~