Tuesday, December 23, 2008


作词:王力宏、易家扬 作曲:王力宏 专辑:心·跳

想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明
你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰
我又在摇头 有那么点后悔
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒    

After downloading this song from , i've listened to it quite a few times. Then i tried to download its MTV and after i watched it, i found that its MTV contents have some similarities with Jay Chow's song-"我不配", both describing the dilemma of being an artist to be falling in love with others. The estimated love story of an artist will never be a good ending. Aiyo, everything has its pros and cons. What i want to concentrate on is the famous topic: why divorce rate keeps increasing? One of my frenz answer is: Most of the people said they divorce bcoz they dun have 'good feeling' to each other already, but the main reason is just they don't want to continue this kind of feeling to each other only. So, do you agree with it? Or you actually don't understand what i'm talking about :P My humble opinion is we should love the one we love with simple heart, don't ever think too much or too complex. Think too much of useless things or like to imagine too much will only harm relationship between you and her/him. I'm one of the example and it is the main reason why i'm still single nowadays, haha...

Monday, December 1, 2008

玩转怡保(5 days in IPOH)!!

2008年11月25日,我和一位朋友共同搭乘TRANSNASIONAL巴士从芙蓉TERMINAL1通往怡保MEDAN GOPENG。我俩寄住在我宿舍ROOMATE位于MENGLEMBU(万里望)的家。我们享用了“老黄芽菜鸡”,“鸡丝河粉”,“河嘻”等。睡了一晚后,旅程正式开始。一大早,我们三个连同另一个朋友到MENGLEMBU出名的怡保“升旗山”爬山。汗珠从我们身上一滴一滴地滴下,我们个个都累坏了,但是却非常爽,享受着爬山的乐趣。爬完山后,我们四人便去三宝洞,观音洞,极乐洞等。这时我才发现原来怡保处处都是洞,佩服!

第二天,我们再通往TAMBUNTHE LOST WORLD 水上乐园玩。玩空中飞行,逆水赛跑与泡温泉,我们个个都像小孩子般玩得不亦乐呼,一点都不像是大学生。玩水后我们再去吃STEAMBOT,每人RM18.90,任拿任吃,几够值得一下XD!

Taking photos in front of the Kellie's Castle

Do you spot the difference between these 2 photos??It is him.....Mr. Smith Kellie

第三天一早,我们去参观古迹也是传说中的鬼屋—凯利古堡(KELLIE CASTLE)。 200 多年前,一对恩爱夫妇诞下了爱的结晶品,就决定盖下一个宏伟的豪宅延续着美满的家园。岂料建设中主人家SMITH KELLIE 在外地公干时不幸去世,建设工程就从此暂停,他的遗孀也带着孩子搬回SCOTTLAND。传说SMITH的鬼魂一直都留在古堡里监视着建设工程的进展,可是我却无法拍到他的鬼魂。又有传说指如果能在古堡里刻下自己和心爱人的姓名的话,SMITH 的鬼魂将会庇佑这份真挚的爱情。 我本来有个冲动想要这么刻,可是看见被外人刻到面目全非的墙壁,我刻不下手,破坏了古堡的原貌。我想如果SMITH先生看见自己的古堡变成这样,一定心痛不已。

Vegetables in Cameron Highland

之后我们便驱车走着走着便不知不觉上了金马伦高原(CAMERON HIGHLAND)。 住在山上的友人带我们去品尝好茶时不幸途中下起大雨,土崩造成车辆排长龙。等呀等呀,天黑了我们还没下到山。夜间下大雨的视度就只有30%,再加上路上又没有路灯的关系,车里的人都怕怕的。幸而上天保佑,我们终于安全回到家,真是啊弥陀佛!!

Gua Tempurung

第四天一早我们便通往BATU GAJAH 的椰壳洞(GUA TEMPURUNG)。最衰的是天不做美,快下雨了,我们被逼走洞里的干路,不是湿路,一点挑战性都没有。之后我们便去金保(KAMPAR)面包咖喱鸡,再去参观那里的UTAR, 在湖边留下倩影。

Taking photo at the side of the UTAR lake

最后一天早上吃过早餐后,我们便通往霹雳洞(GUA PERAK)看看,顺道再去GUNUNG LANG看风景。这一次乃是我人生中第一次和朋友出外旅游,非常愉快。但是快乐的时光过得特别快,又是时候离开怡保了,真的非常舍不得。真希望下一次会有机会再到怡保一游,在此也非常感谢住在怡保的朋友们肯抽出时间带我们去玩,你们是最棒的!!

Perak Tong

Monday, November 24, 2008


20th NOV2008 was the last day for my final test Electronic Principle and finally my nightmare for this sem had passed. Right after taking test, few friends and I departed to Battu Pahat town to 'jalan-jalan' ! After having lunch 2gether at certain restaurant nearby the Carfour hypermarket, my gang all separated. Most of them went shopping at the Carfour and 2 other friends went singing kara-ok with me. We spent about 4 hrs in the ktv room and sang till we all felt unbearable painful in our throats. We spent RM23.00 each for singing 4 hrs with little snackes provided.

Andrew Chung Ka Hou (right) and I

(right): this guy keep singing oh~My turn la!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy....start from ease.....

My final tests for this semester are about to be finished. So far all the tests which have been taken were still ok for me, i just worry about the last test paper at 20th Nov- Electrical Principle. It is quite tough for me though the chinese lecturer who teach us this subject is quite good and have more experiences. Now i have 2 more tests to be taken, and the EP subject is the hardest subject to be scored A's. How about the day after 20th Nov? Of course it is the time for me to enjoy my holiday lar....I will go to Ipoh for about 1 week to enjoy the delicious foods there, visit to all the famous caves there, hiking, and most importantly refresh my eyes to look for 'leng lui' made in Ipoh, Haha! I cannot wait to go there now seems that so many interesting activities are waiting for me.

Another thing is i get shocked when i received a phone call from my mum on 14th Nov. I was informed that i was success in applying for the Biasiswa Persekutuan JPA. The letter for confirming on the scholarship reached my house at Negeri Sembilan on that day. The happiest thing is i got free money to be used in my university life. The JPA offered me scholar money which is more than i can loan from PTPTN. However, when there is a pros, there will be a cons as well. The criteria for receiving this scholarship is I have to be bonded and work for government for 6 years after I graduated. I know that most of the chinese people hate to work in government sectors because the inefficiency of the work done by government sector maybe due to the majority workers are Malay. I'm not sure whether this is a truth but this is what most of the Chinese claimed. I critic so many things in my previous post but in the future need to work for them, haiz...Hoping that everythings that i critic will get improvement soon.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


今天(11-08-11)我为第三年搬出去找屋子的事情很烦恼,不知要搬去哪里或未来的HOUSEMATE 是谁也令我感到头痛。有一个人人都不想跟他住的,人称ROBOT,又硬要和我一起住。虽然我已经很明确地告诉他我的未来HOUSEMATE已经够人了,叫他另外找其他人。可是,在他却好像不明白似的,死缠着我不放。难道要我再一次地警告他?人人都说此举会不会很残忍,也听说他很容易哭的。我倒想看看一个21岁的大男人动不动就哭的模样。。!如果他真的那么容易就哭的话,那他还不如做个小妹妹吧!

另外一件令我生气的事是今天我穿着运动装走到宿舍大门前,想要拿打包好的华人餐。怎知未到门前,坐在亭边的保安人员叫了我过去,问我为何穿没袖的衣服, 还叫我跑回3楼去换了有袖的衣服再回来拿饭。混蛋!当时我尝试着说服他让我拿了就在眼前的饭回去,以后会记得穿整齐的衣服下去。结果呢,他以很‘串’的口气警告我回去换了衣服再回来。当时的我真想一拳就挥到他脸上去,可是最终还是沉住了气。换了衣服下来,只看见另一位女保安人员问刚刚那位保安人员道:“KAMU BETUL-BETUL SURUH DIA BALIK TUKAR BAJU LEPAS TU BALIK AMBIL MAKANAN KE?”接着就听到那两位保安对着我哈哈大笑。我好像变成了一个猴子,被人耍了再耻笑!这是个什么样的大学宿舍?连穿个无袖衣都会被阻止。不如他干脆命令所有的人都把自己包得像粽子一样,在大热天气下走动麽?以下是事发地点和我所穿的服装:

有时我真的很憎恨那一些马来人,说什么自己是BUMIPUTRA(真正的土著才是ORANG ASLI),说我们华人是PENDATANG,其实他们跟我们一样,都属于PENDATANG。 有了这种人,才有现今腐败的政府。虽然我也有一些较要好的马来朋友,但我不可不承认我超想诅咒他们,他们是马来西亚继续向前发展的绊脚石。但我们有何办法?我们也只好无奈的继续让这些寄生虫迅速的繁殖,看着国家保持原地不动。说什么马来西亚已成为一个不同种族的民主国家,其实呢也就是挂羊头卖狗肉,对非回教徒也那么专制。表面上说民主,事实上和将MALAYA改为马来西亚之前一样,这是我们马来人的地方!(以上所说的一切是不正确的,猪头,我是人,马来西亚公民,我对现今马来西亚政府非常满意!}10,19,21,22,25{ )

Thursday, November 6, 2008



有人说一种发型适合一个人必不代表也适合另一个人。 但我非常渴望王力宏的发型会适合我咯。各位试幻想看看,照片里的力宏的脸孔换成我的,会是怎么样?见到鬼吗??!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


原來人生也很簡單,只要能懂得 *
「珍惜、知足、感恩」你就擁有了生命的光彩 *

这是我从朋友寄来的EMAIL里抄出来的,看了之后,我有种莫名的惭愧。朋友们,不知你们已拥有了生命的光彩? 还是一直都活在生命的黑暗之中呢?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


昨天和一班CLASSMATE到BATU PAHAT MALL 去庆祝朋友仔的生日,逛到5.30pm 就回各自的宿舍去了。不只为何我回到宿舍后有种不太想翻开书本读书的感觉。所以我便邀了另外三位HOUSEMATE 来和我一起玩一种“锄大D”+“TRUE OR DEATH” 的游戏。 参与者有AH SIM, JOE WAI, CHAN CHOON 和我。过后又加入了“黑人”和 JUNIOR 安荣。此游戏玩法很简单,就是当第一位“锄大D”的赢家,有权出一道难题来考验其他三位之中手上拥有最多牌的LOOSER。 所提出的难题不能太过分(不能造成不安,伤害和违反自然动态的行为),还要得到其他两位玩者的同意,此惩罚才能生效。昨天所用过的惩罚包括到宿舍下面的巴士亭向一位不相识的女生搭讪,还要介绍自己和向对方强调自己还是单身。另外还有打电话给异性友人,向对方说明自己有多想念她,或是近距离吸穿了多天未洗的袜子长达5秒钟。以上所说的都是我接受过的惩罚,真衰呀!此外,昨天我还给了我人生中的第一次。一位同性玩者的惩罚是强吻我的额头和两边脸颊,我的第一次就酱没有了。。。!其他人所承受的惩罚还包括打电话给异性友人说自己其实已暗恋对方很久了和询问对方是否也一样对自己有感觉, 或是将一瓶1 LITTER 的水现场喝掉500ML。 还记得大伙儿当时都笑破肚皮,现场一片欢笑声。爽毙了!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Time passed so fast, my university's 2nd year 1st sem is going to be past. 1 more week is my study week and this time i'm not planning to go back. Becoz i can't concentrate in doing revision at home, i owaz get busy v doing other things. So, i want to try to stay at my hostel for the whole study week and go back only maybe on 21st Nov after taking my final test. Hopefully i can get better results since i'm not going back....The latest problems are.... i still haven't finished my assignments now and their deadline iare on next week. So, i better stop talking bullshit now and continue doing my job now. Ciaoz....

Friday, October 3, 2008

"-_- ???


Monday, September 29, 2008

HapPy HARI raya PUASA to Malays!!

I'm having my Hari Raya's holiday for 1 week at home now. The word-'holiday' actually are days for us to relax and play until crazily, no need to busy with other things out of playing. However, that was just my concept of holiday when i was studying at primary school. During this holiday, i have to do a lot of assignments and 2 tests are waiting for me just after this holiday. I have to bring back my books or moduls from my hostel to be revised during this holiday. Yet, i haven't started to revise them though i've made a timetable on when to do this thing, and when to do the other things. For the past 2 days, my daily life are just surfing internet to chat with friends using msn and watching DVDs that my dad just bought-溏心风暴之家好月圆. I did nothing actually.

Belows is the picture i took with my sister while we were swimming in the swimming pool at Seremban 2 sports complex yesterday.

Am i look cool like Western's Stars in Bay Watch?

Actually it is not my ideal to take picture at the swimming pool. It is my sister's idea. She asked my dad to help taking our photo since we don't have water-proof camera. Soon, a guard came and told my dad that no one can take picture at that swimming pool, maybe it is due to privacy problem gua. Malu betul~Fortunately we have already took 1 picture before the guard came, haha. Today, my hands are very pain maybe due to long time not involving in swimming activities. My performance dropped dramatically compare to last time. Now i can only swim for 3 rounds using frogs' swimming style and 2 rounds using free swimming style. Maybe I'm old already. Maybe some of you think that i'm show off now saying that how many rounds i can swim. I don't care whether you all will believe or not, i just want to make a declaration that..........................

Yup, obviously i'm show off now :P

Saturday, August 30, 2008



2008年8月28日,对华人而言,三个8(发)字一起出现的同时,是个幸运的一天。但是,这一天好运并未到来。故事发生在我的大学宿舍,而我觉得有这个必要向各位描述一下宿舍的所在地。我的大学宿舍名为Kolej Kediaman Perwira,不在大学范围内。从大学通往本宿舍需通过一条长达大约3km且是进入了大马记录的全马车祸率居亚的大马路。此公路有时还会上演不同的车祸案件,要多逼真就有多逼真。经过了这段路还要转进一个小路,长达大约1km,两旁长满了野草。仔细一看,右边还有一大片马来坟地,路边灯也只有那一两盏,晚上走在这条路上会显得格外地阴森黑暗

我就住在宿舍区大门进来会看到的blok B 第三楼,对面是住满了女生的blok A 宿舍,两个BLOK 的距离也只不过是隔了一条马路。还记得当天用完晚餐回来已是晚上8时许,一入屋就看到几个舍友正努力地啃书以面对明天的考试。


当我正想伸手去打开门锁,和其他舍友出去看个究竟的同时,连续不断刺耳且阴森入骨的女生尖喊声让我不由自主地迟钝了一下。过了一会儿,尖叫声不断没有减少,反而是更变本加厉。我强逼自己用那僵硬的手将门给打开,月光映照下只见对面BLOK的女生们都不约而同地一手按着嘴巴喊叫,一手指着她们BLOK底层的一个角落。被指之处只见有一个物体被白布包裹着,缓缓扭动着。走着走着,我已下了两个阶梯,来到距离那个物体只有几米的路上。当时,我整个人呆着了,没有再向前走多半步的勇气。仔细一看,我身前不远处的物体是个人,是个马来女生,躺在玻璃碎中!白色的头巾加上衣服也染上了疑是鲜血的污迹,整个身体像是在做着临前的挣扎,她还发出了一连串轻微“格拉格拉~”声,搞不清是喉咙间所发出的痛苦呻吟声,还是从高处摔下,断裂的骨架在她拼命挣扎之下所发出的恐怖摩擦声,皆让人毛骨悚然。正当几个宿舍保安人员忙着维持次序的时候,我回想起去年同样在宿舍发生的鬼上身案。当年的受害者也是马来女生,不同的一点是当年的女受害者在一番疯狂喊叫后就昏倒了,并未造成任何伤亡。会不会是去年巴力拉惹(PARIT RAJA)传说中的血红眼睛熊公仔事件再度发生?失去了栖身之所的鬼仔们得不到安息,四处乱窜,危害人间?



Monday, August 18, 2008

LONG time NO see, EVERYONE!!

It has been quite a long time i din post my blog here. Coz a lot of assigments and tests all made me wanna become crazy already. But I was quite happy with 2 things. The 1st thing is i have joined Badminton Carnival organized by my university and the 2nd thing is i have joined Buddhist Camping organized by Parit Raja Buddhist Association. I have joined double for badminton match and me and my partner have made it until Quarter-Final match which both of us din expect at that time. That was the 1st time for me and partner to play double together and we can reach that stage, so lucky. Although lastly we have beaten by a Malay's double, but we were quite happy. We can learn many different skills or tactics from our opponents. And i do have fans to come and support me for my 1st match, they are my friends. I'm quite shocked and happy at that time. Even though i have misunderstanding with 1 friend among the fans, she still came and giving me support. May be this is what we called: friendship 4ever gua!!...........(",)

I have joined Buddhist Camping on last 2 weeks at Batu Pahat and I've made few friends, majority of them are my juniors. I have never joined such a buddhist camp before and this time was considered my 第一次. The buddhist camp lasted for 3 days and within these three days, we listened to the Bhantte/monk in giving his 'lecture', we played crazily in order to be the champion and most interesting thing is we slept in a room with air-cond. Belows are some of the snapshot taking from the buddhist camp:

Bhante was surrounded by a group of Monkeys from UTHM

Members in my group-悲心组, all ''Ke Xiao'' one. The girl standing beside me not bad huh, quite cute....~

My character in the 天才表演 is to be a sexy nurse, with big boops, haha...!

I was doing YOGA exercise, all my bones cracking, so tired......

We were waiting to take our yummy vegetarian's food. We were very hungry but still need to 双手合十。。。感恩呀!

Saturday, July 12, 2008



Friday, July 4, 2008

2008_EnViRoN_SeaSon'S Product....

On 3rd July 2008, Yoong Ltd Company's President Nicholas Liong had created an awesome product and it is called 2008_EnViRoN_SeaSon Photo Album/Holder shortly. This brand new product is targeted on those home-sick students who need to study at university or college that is far away from their mama or papa. With this product, they can put their beloved parent's photo or their boyfriend's or girlfriend's photo. Or, they also can choose to not putting any photos and the 3D like mini Chinese Chess can be a good decoration too.Of course, the theme/background for this product is Chinese Culture that is very famous of using Tradisional Chinese Caligraphy. It is extremely environmental-friendly because it is made by boxes' paper hard cover that are thrown by citizens in their daily life. This product will not cause any pollutions to the environment because it can be recycled to become useful paper again. It can be considered as the Century's Green Product and it was estimated to lead the whole light-industry's products into a new generation. "Two thumbs up for this product..."said by the Malaysia Production Minister XXX yesterday. However, it is a limited edition product and belongs to the president Nicholas Liong only, haha!

Product's Specifications

Height: 15cm

Width: 25cm

Thickness: 2mm

Weight: <50g

Toughness: TUV proved

Compatibility: Excellent

Full Size

#Family Photo(left)# And #Panda with Bamboo(right)#

Left page without Photo

Chinese Chess

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

~Be MySeLf~

Recently i'm confusing who am i actually. I can't ensure which are those ori characteristics and attitudes that are found inside me now. Sometimes i'm 1 person, sometimes the others. Sometimes i faced to the big mirror in my bedroom, stared at 'me' inside the mirror and asked:"Who are you? You are stranged to me..." Quite silly huh! And till one day later, the whole story changed. I walked into my same bedroom again and finally i found 'myself' through the photos' albums which are closed for quite a long time already. It is a treasure for me. Blew away the thick dust which covered the albums and opened it. Few yellowish photos brought me a lot of memories that i almost forget. They are my family's photos. And of course, my childhoods' photos are also included inside. My childhoods' photos all are quite cute, but i don't know what will you think. I was always laughing inside those photos, a happy kid. However, it is quite tough for me or the others to see me laughing happily, even my smiling face is also rare to be spotted now. Then i tried to recall back why was i laughing happily that time. Finally i realized, i was just simply laughing, had neither reasons nor purposes. How could i forget of 'simple'? Why should i act like a totally different people when i'm making new friends? Why should i act like very gentle and smart and everytime try to show off my talents in front of my friends (girls as well)?Why should i become very passive and act like i'm very 'cool'(don't like to speak) when i'm making new female friends? Do i want to attract their attention like what the others do? Yes, maybe i was. Why should i keep thinking of such things? I hope that from now on, i will be myself, the truly me...

Belows are some of my personal photos that were the footprints of my growing up process:

Little ah Yong!

Which 1 is me?(1st from left)

Big ah Yong at ShuZhou, China

Tuesday, June 24, 2008







相:车吸引男人的优点在于它有多少设备,如:ABS, EBD 等等。





Thursday, June 19, 2008

An accident!

Yesterday, 18th June 2008, my dad involved in an accident, he was knocked down by a car. That incident was happened in the morning. When he was riding his motorcycle, at Rasah street in Seremban, a car knocked his motorcycle from behind. Then, of course, he fell down at that instant. One of my dad's friend passed by and saw the incident. He faster approached my dad but he din't dare to touch my dad. Because my dad just lied on the road and fainted. Soon, he awake and kept asking his friend the same question: Where is here? Where am I? Then the driver of the car that knocked my dad together with the uncle sent my dad to the nearest hospital to check whether my dad was in the good condition. After doing the X-Ray for my dad, nothing (bad symptoms) was detected. Fortunately he wore helmet at that time. If not, he won't be so healthy now. He just got few wounds around his hands and legs and some at his body, not so serious. And how about the driver of that car? My dad just let him go after the man agreed to pay for the motorcycle's repairments. (The driver aged already, about 60-70 years old). After this accident, i want to leave some comments or advices for the road user. When you are riding motorcycle, please remember to wear a helmet and fasten the helmet's belt for your own safety. And for the car's driver, please be caution and aware of the other road user and of course, need to wear the seat belt all the time. I think the JPJ of M'sia should pay more atentions on the road safety aspect seems that the accident rate in M'sai is keep increasing. I think that the citizens of M'sia are not skillful enough in driving their vehicle, including me. Many citizens drive dangerously. Those teachers in driving's school should put more efforts in dealing with this problem.
(P/S: Plz think of your family and other road-users while you are driving and trying to do something that against the road's rules that might harm their life)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

#3 in 1#

Blog 1:

Haha, i went for a vacation to Hong Kong on 31st May and came back on 4th June. A lot of people asked me how was my trip to Hong Kong and i just answered: 1/2 happy, 1/2 sad lor...

Happy things are my family and i have visited many places that are quite famous. We have visited Hong Kong Disneyland, Hong Kong "Dussary" Wax House, Qin Shui Wan......Actually we spent our holiday at Shenzen also. We went to the China's Culture Village which includes different ancient buildings which are much more smaller than the actual one. We took a lot of photos there and also picture in Disneyland and Wax House and i plan to make them into a movie and burn it out. I met Mickey, Minnie, Goofie, Donald Duck, Chip Munks, Tarzan and much more cartoon's characters inside the Disneyland. Besides , i met also Jacky Chan, Andy Lau, Bruce Lee,.....But all of them are made from wax, not real person. The Wax Andy Lau is different from the others because it has a fake heart inside its body. You can feel its heart beat if you put your hand on its chest.

The sad things are the Hong Kong people's behaviour, for example the tour guide. She acted like very friendly with us and willing to do anything to serve us like a VIP. But the truth is....she just think of getting more and more money from us by adding a lot of extra programmes in our trip. When we refused to let her do so, her face changed black immediately. Then, she started to avoid from socialize with us. What a poor services. They were too materialistic. The second thing that i'm not satisfied with is the accomodation provided by the tourism agency. We stayed in one of the hotel at Mongkok and the hotel room for 2 people is damned small. It is even smaller than a standard room in First World Hotel Genting. And everything that was sold at Hong Kong there all very expensive to us, including small souveniers and foods.

Fortunately we came back to Malaysia few days earlier before the flooding in Hong Kong which caused few flights cancelled and caused Disneyland cannot operate like usual, luckily...!

Blog 2:
On 8th June(Sun), i did something that made me very happy. It was my 1st time in my whole life to donate blood! After fetching my brother to the Terminal 1bus station, my mum, sis and me went shopping at the Terminal 1 shopping centre. At first, i felt very bored because i don't like to shopping. Then, i found out that there was a blood-donation campaign at the 1st floor. After getting permission from my mum, i faster went to the campaign and donated 450ml of blood which i thought was very little. I was very excited and keep smiling while i was donating blood. The nurse looked at me with a weird sight and wondered why i was smilling at that time. After donating blood, my dad and i went to the wedding dinner at Sunway Resort Hotel and it was my first time to drink a glass of Brandy-"Martell Blue-Cotton" which my mum doesn't allow me to drink. At first, I was very cold inside the hotel but soon, after drinking the blue-cotton, i didn't feel cold anymore. It really helped to make me hotter. Haha!

Blog 3:
I dreamed of one girl this morning but i didn't know who is she. I don't think I know her before these. But she don't make me feel strange. In my dream, both of us wore clothes which seems to be designed during china's dynasty period. At first, i saw her dressed in male clothes and soon i discovered that she was a girl. She is very beautiful and not like other girls that depend on make-up to improving their look. And when i wanted to approach her to ask for her name, my mum woke me up. Haiz...I was almost there.Soon only i knew it was just a dream. A dream that quite similar with one of the Chinese's drama-"The Butterfly Lovers 梁祝"! Haha!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wulala, it's your Birthday>>>>Present

Haha, i just received my 21st years old birthday's present, or the only present for my 21st birthday, from someone that i knew for almost 14 years. Ya, she is the one, my friend from my beloved and the most close friends' group. Even though my date of birth has past already, i'm very happy because still can received birthday's present. Actually my friend bought the present before my birthday. And she didn't has free time to give me because i seldom go out or hang out with her and the other friends. Yesterday only i have the opportunity to get the present. After singing ktv with other friend, i went to meet my friend, and got the present from her. I was thinking what would she gave me. Reached home and opened my present then only i knew what was being wrapped inside. It is a toy like electronic device that can put pen or pencil on it. It is better to be shown than be described. Its image is as belows:


My Asshole

Do you know how special is this toy? It can voice out when we put our pen into its asshole. I've tried for many times and about 15 different sentences came out. For example: "Argh~Oh~", "No~No~Oh No~", "Augh, it's hurt!", "Oouu~~", "Oh yeah~I feel good!",.... I think 'fucking asshole' are the most suitable words to describe this product, haha....Anyway, i will very appreciate this present given by my friend. Thanks, pal!

Monday, May 26, 2008


哈哈, 又是几星期,或是几个月一度的华文部落格又诞生了. 这一次的主题是.........没错, 就是无聊! 无聊的爱情故事灵感来自朋友部落格里的男女感情. 别说我事先没说好, 这故事的确是挺无聊的. 如果您觉得读了之后, 不会无聊的话, 那您就继续读下去吧! 本故事纯属虚构,内容如下:

在一个离城市不远的乡区里住着一家人. 故事中的女主角就是生长在这一个家庭里的小女儿,称之为"女孩". 女孩自小生长在一个家教甚严的平庸家庭,在家人眼中, 女孩的学业永远得摆在第一位, 其他东西如爱情等, 永远是免谈!虽然女孩自小学就开始暗恋他人,踏入中学也经常感受到别人的追求,尤其是马来同胞的追求, 但在这种环境下长大的她,根本就没用勇气接受.

一天复一天,一年复一年,女孩终于长大了,年龄已满21岁,还入读了本地一所大学. 大学的生活与环境对女孩来说是挺陌生的, 一切东西都得由女孩亲自动手, 她知道自己已不再是往年温室里的一朵小花了. 在大学里的生活是苦闷的, 但这一切很快就改变了.在一次巧合的机遇下, 女孩与故事中的男主角-"男孩"相遇,接着就相识了.大学里的图书馆不仅是读书或借书的好去处, 也是女孩遇见男孩的好地方. 说也奇怪, 女孩的第一眼已深深地被男孩吸引着, 经那次之后就对男孩念念不忘, 难道这就是传说中的"一见钟情"?

每一次相遇, 女孩心中总是有一种甜蜜的感觉. 渐渐地男孩在女孩的心中占据了一个相当重要的地位. 女孩也感到男孩似乎对自己有点好感, 于是便吩咐朋友去察探男孩是否对自己有好感. 岂知回来的消息竟是晴天霹雳. 原来男孩早已有了心上人, 心上人还是别有他人, 女孩当时感到万分的迷惘. "难道这一切都只是我的憧憬和错觉, 他不曾对我有好感?"女孩不停的地反复思索着. 女孩思索了将近一个星期, 在这一段期间男孩的友人也劝勉女孩放弃对男孩的感情. 终于, 女孩想明白了. 女孩决定放下这段感情, 立志把学业给搞好, 还坚决地对男孩友人说她早已放下了对男孩的感情.事实上, 女孩并没有完全地放下这段感情, 口是心非而已, 但她相信时间能冲淡一切, 也认为忙碌能让她不再想起这一切一切. 这一切其实是暂时性的, 短暂的.

当女孩在家无聊地渡着两个月长的大学假期时, 男孩那俊俏的脸孔不断涌现在她的脑海中, 甚至连晚上做梦也会梦见男孩. 女孩还会不时看看自己的手机是否会有男孩的来电或短讯记录, 也不时上网查看是否能在聊天室遇见男孩, 但结果是什么也没有. 女孩心中还是惦记着男孩, 只是没说出口而已. 可是, 女孩依然还记得自己多年前曾对家人许下的诺言, 那就是一定要专心把书读好, 大学毕业之后才想男女之间的感情. 看来女孩这一次真得完完全全地放下男孩, 但她能够做得到吗?...........................................(完)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Si-Chuan 5-12......Myanmar......Natural disaster.....

Huh, finally the whole programs or activities that were organized by my hometown's temple--'Tai Aik Kong 太乙宫' past. I can really have a fully rest now but i might start boring also. Recall back what i had done during the past few days. I became the vice-secretary for the classical singing contest which was organized by my temple. I responsible in jotting down all the marks that were scored by all the candidates and arranged them into the winner's short-list. The contest had been organized for 3 days including the final, with total of 80 participants. 31 of them had been finalized to compete again on 18th May, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes had been awarded to the participants, all 3 are guys. Actually i planned to test singing on the singing stage on 18th May, like what my dad did on the previous 2 days. But, damned participants, they came so early to test singing. So, i was forced to help them registered their name and let them tested singing. Sigh!
And my temple was celebrating its 'birthday' on 19th May, which is the next day of final. My temple had a dinner night and attracted more than thousand people to come for it. Some VIP, or Very Important People had been invited also to come. Remember, not Very Idiot Person, they are some well-known people with 'Dato' or 'JP' added in front of their name. Besides, the hottest people, our Prime Minister-Pak Lah's son-in-law, Khairil also was invited to become one of the guests for that dinner night. Still remember who is he? He is the one who started the politics' topic that critic about Chinese's rights. Fortunately at the end, he apologized for his fault. Else, I don't think that Malaysia now is still in peace condition. and i think that also lead to the worse results that had been obtained by BN in the passed selection. At that night, i thought my job in temple was finish and can enjoy my dinner already. But, actually, it isn't finished. While i was enjoying my dinner, my auntie took 1 box and passed it to me and asked me to help her collecting the money of donation from all the guests. That donation is for charity of course, for helping those victims in Si-Chuan's earthquake and also victims in Myanmar's taufan disaster. I had been asked to do the harder job, was collecting money of donation from those VIP, including Malay VIP. And i was so lucky. 1 reporter took my picture while i was collection donation from a Malay VIP and the picture came out in the Sin Chew Daily's newspaper, the part for Negeri Sembilan's news which i read this morning. This is the first time my picture comes out with bigger size in the newspaper where people can clearly see my face in that picture. The picture of my dad together with other authorities when they were giving souveniers to the VIPs also came out locating besides of my picture but in a smaller size and blur image. My dad was laughing saying that he was the president for that dinner night but his picture is much more smaller than mine. Haha, so lucky am i. We had collected total of RM25,000 that night for the natural disaster that happened inSi-Chuan and Myanmar. Wow, if i get that money, then i can buy a lot a lot of things already....... I really hope that those money can help those victims. They are very pity, so many people died because of those disasters. And how about you? Have you donate for the natural disaster's victims? Or, have you even donate for charity purpose?.....Just kidding!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

What Ah Yong feels today.........

Today morning, my dad didn't ask me to go out helping him at the temple there since i told him that i don't want to help doing works at the temple anymore by giving a lot of reasons yesterday. I thought he might be angry with me but soon i know it is not. Because today he started the conversation between us about a English movie when we were having our lunch at home. Then, seems that everything is fine, i asked for my mum's permission to hang out with friends at Seremban on Saturday.Even though she had agreed to let me out but soon she kept saying some words like scolding me at the time softly. She kept saying: "All of your siblings include you r very lucky and 'senang' nowadays. Do less works, not like your dad and me when we were like your age. Last time we had to work hard days and nights, and look what you people do now? Always go out playing and enjoying. Ask you fellows to do some works only, you all said don't want, here pain, there pain...." I do agree with some of what she said. My siblings, including me are quite lazy in doing houseworks at home, especially my youngest sister. I don't mean to talk about something bad about her. But she is really never do any houseworks unless being forced by others.I was once also like her, doig nothing at home, very lazy. But soon i saw my mum tired doing the houseworks,finally i felt very sorry to her. Start from the next day, i changed already, start helping my mum doing part of the houseworks. And till now, my mum and me are the only two persons who do all the houseworks at home. So, everytime isaw my youngest sister, i will keep scolding her to do some houseworks. I threatened her by saying that actually girls should know how to do houseworks, else, there will nobody will love you or even marry you. But, those words doesn't work on her. She is so studborn and keep ignoring what i said. My mum also like to compare us wif the others. She everytime want us to be like others who very good in doing works. But, everyone is different from what qualities they own.Nobody is perfect. For example, my cousin. He is quite hardworking and good in doing tough work like lifting heavy things which i can't. She wants me to be like him. And everytime i quite angry if i being compared to the others. I was thinking if i want to be like him, it is possible. i can become like that if i stop my studies untill SPM level and go out finding jobs. But why my parents want me to be excellent and graduate from university? Why my parents don't ever think in different way?Like my cousin should become like my brother and sister, continue studying after SPM and graduate from university with good results. Then find an easy job that offers high salary by just holding a pen or clicking on computer? Everyone sure have their weakness and they might be very good in other field. If everyone wants to specify on certin field only, for example being a worker, then who will be the instructor, or boss? Hah, after expressing my moods here, i feel better now.So, what do you all think about this problem? Can share with me?

Monday, May 12, 2008

HaPpY mOtHeR's DaY

ya, today is 11th May 2008 (Saturday), Mother's Day.Not everyone comes back to celebrate it because my family do not celebrate it outside, just simply my eldest sister cooks for lunch. Yesterday night, i have a gathering with other friends (hometown buddies) at 1 of my buddies, Ah Kheng's birthday party at her home. After eating and chatting until about 11pm, we went for "trip" to the nearby Fun-Fair. We took several pictures there. I backed at 12.30am and slept at 1am. But these are not the main topic for this blogs. The main topic is Mother's Day. I woke up on this morning at 9am and the 1st thing i do is finding the location of my target, or victim, who is my mum. When i found my target, I quickly went to her side, gave her a polar-bear hugs, and beside her left ear i said: Maam, Happy Mother's Day!! At first i wish to give her a kiss too but before i want to do this, her response is: Yer, so geli~! So, i stopped my next plan immediately. She gave response like that because this was the first time i implement such a 'geli' action on her. I think this was the classic way that most of the sons/daughters use to wish their mum.Then, after having my breakfast, i've been forced to go out to a temple at my place called 'Tai Aiks Gong' to help doing something. Because the birthday of this temple is just around the corner, so my dad asked me to go there with him doing the cleaning, arranging and preparation job for the temple. Actually it is good if we can volunteered to do something for your religious. But, what i fed out was, the "instructor" holding Justice Of Peace (JP), who gave instruction of doing anything in the temple. This morning, he asked me to take something to another place. After just couple of minutes, he suddenly changed his mind and asked me to take the things back. "Fuck You, Man!!" i wanted to shout out but i didn't. i just wonder why he can't make a final decision that won't change before he asked others to do something? Freak! Then, finally is lunch time. After i went back to house to have my lunch, i faster went taking bathe because i sweat a lot while in the temple just now. After eating, i didn't go out to help anymore although my dad asked me to go out. Am i considered lazy? Actually it is not. i got reason why i don't want to go out. First, i have an uncured disease, on my three fingers of my right hands. i don't know what is happening to my fingers,they were infected and last for almost 1 year already.And recently they become worse.Maybe next time i would upload photo of my fingers here. 2nd, i hate to work again under the lousy instructor. i will still scolding him inside my heart eventhough he is my dad's best friend. Then, until night, i was chatting with a guy that is younger than me. i don't know why i told him about my puppies' love story. it is actually not a love story, because the love between 1 girl and i had not started at all.He also agree that my love story is very touching. But soon i've changed my mind. I scared later the guy will spread my secret to the others. So, i informed him that what i told him was all lying. I think he will believe of what i said because i used to cheat and lie to him. I do not have any choice. Because i just know him for not more than 1 year and thus i don't know how well is he in keeping the 'secret'. Sorry lo, young man!Oops, 12am already, not Mother's Day already. But in my heart, everyday is Mother's Day for me and all sons/daughters should think like me. If u show only your love to your mum during real Mother's Day, then it might be too late. So, better appreciate the time with the one that you like the most before it is too late, ok?

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Oh ya, today i woke up at 8.30am and when i was still in blur condition, my mum asked me to fetch her together with my grandman and auntie to the Asah's Hospital which is located at Seremban.My grandma can be considered as an aged woman and some common diseases for aged people are found in her body. She had a fever few days ago and her leg 'bengkak' for few days already. Yesterday she just being fetched to Malacca's hospital for leg's treatment. But she still suffered for the leg's pains after seeing the doctor. So, we tried to go for the Asah's hospital to search for treatment. Actually, i didn't know where is exactly the location of the hospital. Then, my mum asked my untie who knows the location of the hospital to sit beside of me in the car and guide me the direction and way to travel to the hospital. Finally, we reached. There were a lot of patients waiting there for doctors and we had to wait for about 3 hours. Within the 3 hours, I was boring and had nothing to do inside there. Then, i fell sleep very soon on the resting chair in the hospital. I guessed at that time might have some people staring at my funny sleeping posture. After that, i fetched them back and reach home at about 3.00pm. Next, what was going to be happened?........Haha, of course nothing else to be happened. I did a big business after i reached is...............continue zzz..........(",)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

My blogs setting got some problem because the time and date setting are not accurate. This is my latest posted blog, on 03-05-2008, 9.20pm. Today is my birthday and i don't celebrate it by organizing party or what.Morning, i go shopping in Tampin with my mum and my brother. Then i went back and later my sister came back.After chatting with her for a while, i started washing my "White Rider" and when i finished my work, i played badminton with my 2 sisters. Today i din celebrate my birthday with my friends because i feel tired and sleepy today, lazy want to hang out with my friends. So, today will passed like normal and after today i will become an adult already, 21st years old. Fortunately i received a lot of wishing messages from my friends since yesterday night. Haiz....This is how i passed my 21st years old birthday.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Last paper for Final Tests!!!

Yes, now still have one more paper that i gonna to take on next Monday. It is Thermodynamic, the legendary cursing subject for almost all the FKEE students in UTHM. I just finished sitting for the paper of Technology Electric subject with 3 credit hours in 2nd semester. It was not considered very tough but frankfully said it is quite hard for me to score an 'A's in this subject due to my low carried marks in this subject. But, more important thing is was passed. I think i can get rid of all things i have learnt before in each tests which are passed.Nyek...nyek.....Now i have to concentrate on one more subject, the last 'killer' subject. After the test on 28th, i will be free and do whatever i want. No need to study and prepare for PLAYING during the semester breaks.....YaYA.....

Monday, April 7, 2008

The myths of Scottland's Water Horse

Last night, i just watched a movie called The Water Horse LEGEND OF THE DEEP. The main actors for this movie are Emily Watson, Ben Chaplin and Alex Etel. It is an interesting story for me because I always imagine to be one of the character in this movie-Angus, the child that picked the egg of the water horse.Since i was young, i dreamed of discovering eggs of unknown creature, especially dinasours' eggs. Maybe i was influenced by watching too many dinasours' movie when i was young and since then, i have a special feeling to those creature until now. i think the water horse in this movie-"Crusoe", is one of the specices and can be categorized into the dinasours group if it really exists. Hmm, for me, i still believe that it still exists now since long time ago. Actually, i was informed of its existance through the newspaper since i was young but it is just i did not find more details about it. But now, after watching this movie, i straight away went to search for its details through Internet. Then only i know the water horse story is a legend or myths for Scottland and it took place at water lake of Inis Beag, a quite deep and big lake.What can i say that in such a deep lake, there must have a lot of creatures that are not identified by human yet. Like recently, human just found some species of fish that are not recognized in deep blue sea. So, we can't deny that the existance of the water horse and other creature in our earth is possible.
Water lake of Inis Beag, it becomes one of my target place i must visit before my life is ended. i will not let go any chance to visit to these adventurer place because i am the one who likes adventure and also marine activities. i like the world under the sea water and jealous of the freedom that are owned by the marine living things. I had visited almost all popular island in peninsular of Malaysia which are famous with snorkelling and diving activities. I prefer sports in the water more compare to sports on the ground because i am the one who sweats a lot easily and it is totally different while i'm in the water. I won't feel that i was sweating and of course i won't tire easily. I feel more comfortable in the water. However, it has been a long time i do not visit to island already. Now, all my family members grew up already and each of them have a lot of works to do. It is quite hard for us to organize a trip to island and play together again like what we did before i reached 16 years old. I miss the period while we spending time in island and go snorkelling together. I miss also the smell of the sand of beach and also the sea water. I miss everything that can be found in an island. I miss you all, marine living things.
Aiya, it looks like i'm out of topic already, we continue talking about the movie. It is really an unforgettable journey if we can become 'Angus' in that movie and discover little 'Crusoe'. If it really happens to you, and you experience what 'Angus' experienced, what will you feel? Don't ever give answers that are differed from "Fun, excited,happy,joyful..." and bla bla bla.My last comment for this movie is:Three thumbs up!....only if i have extra one thumb la..........

My 1st car.........

Today i will go back to my university (UTHM) at 4pm from my hometown. Actually i don't want to go back so early, i mean before the study week ends. But, i can't concentrate in doing revision at home and my final tests will start on 14thApril, it is on next monday....Oh no, i haven't start studying and my test is about to approach. I'm very stressed. So, the only hope to reduce my stress and not getting very low marks in my test, i choose to go back to my hostel. Without the distraction of TV or internet, hopefully i can do my revision in a more proper and efficient way.

Ya, few days ago i was given a car by my dad. I will no longer using the previous black Wira in my university and it is replaced by white Wira, which my dad let me to use for a long term during my university life. The image for my new "wife" is like belows:

Haha, great is it? Of course it doesn't same with my car, it is just an image i picked from the Initial-D.....Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IV from Emperor Group. But my car do have some similarities with it because my car's model was the clone of Lancer since my car was first launched. Same engine, same body bonding and 80% same from their outlooks. But, how about their performance and quality? I don't have any idea for it.......Seems that it is my first car that i gonna use for a long time, i'm busy on finding a suitable name for it.What should i call her? Huh, finally i got an idea, i named it as "The White Rider" or in mandarin-"白骑士"! It sounds like the warrior that is always prepared for a battle using a white horse. But, at the meantime, it is like a gentleman in a balls, like me......haha! Even though she is quite ages already compared to the previous black Wira, but, as long as she has four wheels and can be drove safely on the road, then she can be considered as a good car and for sure i will take good care of her.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Chinese Blogs

Today i gonna write my blog in mandarin because i never do it before and i want to try. Hopefully those who know mandarin can enjoy with my blog.



Wednesday, April 2, 2008

POPBL presentation is OVER!!!!

Yahoo, today is the last day for presentation for all subjects in semester 2. The last presentation for today is presentation of Computer Programming subject which I normally scored very low marks in test. However my group encountered some problems or mistake when we were asked by the panels who were responsible in finding mistakes in students' project. So bad! Finally I can have time to do my revision after this. And I will back to my hometown on this coming Friday, hurray.....................

Happy April Fool Day, not happy at all....

At the eve night of April Fool day(01-04-2008), I had carried out a joke with one of my friends who is studying in the same university as me. On that day, she tried to contact me by sending short messages. And I was busy on that day preparing for presentations and forgot to reply her message. Soon, I had an idea on how to fool others and she unfortunately became my first victim. I made up my mind to ignore all her calls and used my friend's handphone to message her telling that I was involved in a car accident and was sending to the surgery room in one of the hospital of Kluang. I was lying that my conditions at that time was not good. She trusted of what were stated in the messages and asked her friend who stays in the same hostel with me to check whether I was lying or not. And I agree that I am quite good in acting. Therefore at that night, her friend failed to find where was I and I only appeared after 12a.m., the morning of 01-04-08. Then, I tried to call my friend to let her knows that I was fine and it was just a joke for celebrating April Fool Day, but I failed to do so. She ignored all my calls at that night and obviously she knew already that I was joking with her. She just sent few messages to me saying that she hated me to apply this kind of joke on her and made her worry and cry for some times. I was shocked at that time. "Huh, first time I heard there is girl that cries for me, exclude my mum" I wonder whether it was just a joke for April Fool. The only wish that I want to make now is that I hope my friend can forgive me as soon as possible.
(WARNING: Please don't let the one that caring about you worry of you, especially FRIENDS)

Monday, March 31, 2008


Today, 31/03/2008, Monday, I just received back my Test 2 result for BSM1933 Mathematics Engineering II from my lecturer. I am very angry and desperate now. I just scored 55 out of 60 and it made my carry marks for this subject to become 44.6% out of 50.0%. I knew how to solve every questions in Test 2 but due to some careless mistake and some "errors" made by the lecturer that responsible for the Question 1 in the test paper, I can't get high score for this subject. Then, I tried to persuade my lecturer for not deducting my marks for the part that the lecturer made mistake but finally I failed to do so. "Sir, this is not my mistake, I did the right thing if I followed as what were written in the question! Why you give me wrong? " I asked my lecturer in a more polite way. However, he replied:"No, even though the question printed out with some errors, you need to ask me for the right question during taking the test! So, seems that your final answer not the same with my answer scheme, so I must deduct your marks for that..." WHY??? Why I can't get full marks for question 1 although I do the right thing? Why all the lecturers did not make any announcements that got correction for question 1? Why my lecturer just informed those who asked for the mistake in the question 1 during taking test?
It is UNFAIR for ME!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Something left, another things approaching.....

I have good news and bad news recently. The good news is my test 2 was just past.The bad news is the due date for submitting assignments is approaching. And what i worrying now is that whether i can complete all the assignments in time. HEADACHE!!!!By hook or by crook, i have to finish all the assignment before the due date. Then only i can enjoy the study week at home.Yuh hu.....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Test 2 is just around the corner............

Recently I became more-hot tempered and more emotional because the test 2 is coming. I gained bad result for last semester and I manage to get higher score in every subject in this semester to cover back the semester 1's result. But, I fail to do it. The test 2 is very very near already but I still haven't study for it yet! Assignments and projects all still haven't settled yet. What should I do? I'm lack of time now.....Shall I suppose to spend more time on doing projects' work or concentrate on doing revision for all the subjects that are going to be tested?Oh, I wish that I have more time compare to the others. If I have been given a chance, I wish to have 36 hours perday to be spent. But, what I know is that, it is impossible in realistics...........

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A shameful accident!!!!

Few days ago, i was involved in an accident, just a minor accident. I drove to my university from my hostel in the morning. When i passed by the bus-stop in my hostel, i saw my friends waiting there for bus. They were going to attend the same class as me. So, before going out from the main entrance of my hostel, i stopped. And i tried to reverse my car to the bus-stop there. Unfortunately, an accident occured. One of my rear wheels dropped into the small drain near the bus-stop and it made a sharp and loud squeking sound. All the people waiting at the bus-stop there were looking on what i had done. Luckily, there were no serious injuries to my car. This is my first time doing such a shameful mistake. Now i'm still thinking whether my driving skill is really so bad? This kind of mistake should not be done by a driver who holds driving license for almost 3 years. My driving skill is not much different from those holding 'L' license while in the process of learning on driving. Now I'm going to try a lot of methods to improve my drving skills and be a good driver. By hook or by crook, I wish that I can success and be a skillful driver..............

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today, as usual, i go to school to study. After class, I feel boring and straight away go to computer room in my university to online. Then, surprisingly I meet my friend in msn messenger. This is the first time I see her online and chat with her. Since she went to United Stated of America to further her study in the beginning of this year, I lost contact with her. I'm very happy today!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Boring Friday.....

Today is a boring Friday, I need to wake up early for 9 a.m. lecture class. I need to submit 2 projects on the same day, which are Technical Writing's assignment and Electric Technology's assignment. Then, there is something happens today. I have Thermodynamic's lecture class at 9 a.m. At the beginning, our lecturer asked us to take out tutorial's paper downloaded from the E-learning to discuss the questions inside. But, none of us remember to bring it today exclude our class monitor, Chan Kai Ming. Then, my lecture become very angry and straight away ask us to go back and refuse to give us lecture. Later, we do not leave the automotive lab and try to persuade him to teach us. However, we do not get the expected response from our lecture. Actually, it is not the lecturer's fault, is our faults. Because he told us earlier about a week before to do the respected tutorial and bring it during Friday's class. But, we do not follow as what he said. I hope that he can teach us back as soon as possible. Because Thermodynamic can be considered as one of the subject that pull students to 'HELL'!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What happen to me??

My emotion is is not so stable recently. Few days ago,on Sunday night, I can't control myself when my housemate started teasing me.(What I'm going to tell is that it is quite normal for my housemate and me to tease each other)I was the one who started this small 'fighting' action first. I started to push him first rudely. While he tried to defense himself by using his hands and body, I was pushed to the wall and my face was accidently hitted by his hands. Then, I knew that if I continued this kind of action, it is hard for us to continue being friends or even housemate.Thus, I stopped it and released my tension in another way, such as hitting wall.Fortunately, a day later he sent me a message to apologize to me and of course later our relationship become normal again. I'm so happy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How i spent my CNY break....

Although CNY 2008 passed few weeks already, I still can not forget what had happened during the short CNY breaks....... I went back to my hometown, Rembau on 2nd February with my friend who currently studying at the same university with me, UTHM. I brought a lot of homeworks, assignments and reference books to my hometown and I thought I can do all the assignments that were given by my lecturers before the one week break. But, i was wrong.Starting from the next day i backed to my hometown, i had to use a part of my time by helping my mother doing the houseworks, such as painting my house, washing the walls and mopping floor.Then I spent the remaining time by watching television, surfing internet or sleeping. I totally forgot about what I palnned to do during the whole week.
Days passed after days, finally eve of CNY approached. That day was an important day for me to gather with a lot of relatives from outside. I had opportunity to play with my naughty cousins. They used to jump here and crawl there, very active, like wild animals.
I passed the first three days of CNY by visiting to relatives' and friends' house, same like what i do during every CNY.Finally, the fourth day of CNY approached. It was time for me to go back to UTHM. This time, I went back to my hostel in Johor by driving my dad's car. This was the first time for me to drive for a long distance with two other friends and we met little traffic jam in Yong Peng. And what I am going to mention is that on that way back to my hostel, my dad's car had been knocked lightly by another car. And seems that my dad's car do not spoilt heavily, i just ask the driver of that car to pay me RM10.00 as the repairing cost and let him go.This was what I faced suring the journey back to my hostel, so unlucky!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My First Blogs

This is the first blogs that i created for myself. Actually since long time ago, I was longing for creating an interesting blogs after viewing blogs that had been created by my friends. And finally, today i have an opportunity to create my own blogs with the guidance from my Technical Writing subject's lecturer, En. Azmi Bin Abdul Latiff who asked my whole class to create a new blogs and we were required to post blogs as one of the subject's assignment. It covers 5% of the overall marks for the assignments part of this subject. So, what can i do? I have no choice. In steads of loosing the 5% marks, i have better completed this task in order to gain higher marks in assignments' part which may be helpful and useful in my grade for this subject at the end of this semester. Oops, it seems like I am blaming my own lecturer! No, I should not blame him. I should thank him for urging us to create a new blogs and start posting blogs. May be I am still have not create an account in blogging without him. One thing that I can ensure is blogging will play a quite important role in my life in the future.........