Wednesday, December 16, 2009


我右手的三根手指(母指,食指和中指)又发作了。 正式的从严重脱皮变成红肿疼痒,挺不好受的。 我怀疑自己的手指皮肤表层中毒了, 变成了新鲜的HOTDOG式的。 所以,从现在开始,我得学用左手来代替平时右手所做的事,更别说运动了。所有需要用到右手的运动将全面停止,至到完全康复为止,好难过哦!!

Monday, December 7, 2009


你有否试过曾经很爱做的东西,很爱的事物,现在都已不再喜欢了?对你而言,善变可怕吗? 我本人是觉得挺可怕的,更可怕的是。。。我正向着这个恐怖的深渊大大步地向前迈进着。 现在的我会想起以前我非常喜爱,觉得将来势必也还那么的喜欢着的东西,如今对我而言,已成过去了。我出奇地找不回之前那种感觉,我变了吗?至于之前在FB 想不通什么生活是我该过的。我应该怎样?做什么?心情就好象刚考完SPM准备策划着将来的路要怎么走之类的。但我心里面很早就已经有了定数,拟定了一个自己要过的生活,只是迟迟未实现。通过这个放假,一天一天的过,我也一天一天的在变。。。。

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2012...So What!!

2012年世界末日已證實 地球終結日,將在2012年發生 聞聲國際的作家、工程師兼業餘科學家[摩利斯.科特羅(MAURICE COTTERELL)]精於瑪雅古文明研究,他從許多古廟與碑石中發現了一組一再重複出現的密碼:1366560.若將這個密碼的單位視為"天",則換算為年的話,為3740這個年數.根據瑪雅文獻的記載,地球每隔3740年就會被毀滅一次,而地球生命在過去已曾被毀滅四次.

換言之,現代人類應已是地球第五代子孫了. 摩利斯將瑪雅文化中的聖數1366560與太陽磁場變化週期,這二個表面上毫不相干的事連接在一起.科學的計算顯示太陽磁極每隔3740年就會對調一次,而3740年就會對調一次,而3740年剛好是1366560天換算的年數.
而考古學上的證據顯示這二個地方原本屬於熱帶氣候的. 地球滅亡之日 古瑪雅人早就已經將那個日子準確地算出來.在不少預言中,年代記載最完整的,算是<克奧第特蘭年代記>.它說我們得知第五太陽紀於西元前3113年.在經歷瑪雅大週期的5125年後,第五太陽紀迎向最終.與現在西曆相對照的話,便可知[太陽紀]將於[某紀的某日]結束.這個終結日,就在西元2012年12月22日的前後。 也許..

大家可能不會相信.因為開始我也是這樣的..但是.後來,我看了下相關資料.覺的有些奇怪...之前完全不相信的態度也有所改變.. 瞭解歷史的親可能都知道 消失的瑪雅文明吧..瑪雅人在一瞬間全部消失..誰也不知道他們去了哪裡.至今,這仍是一個密團.但是.瑪雅人留給我們太多的問題了...他們的預言百分之99都變成了現實..他們預測到了汽車,飛機的生產日期.有些親可能會問.他們怎麼會知道以後有一種東西叫做汽車..這也正是奇怪的地方.在埃及.一些瑪雅文明研究者.在他們生活的地方和一些石頭上發現了這些.他們預測了西特勒出生和死亡的日期..完全一樣.... 人類歷史上的3次大浩劫...其中一次就出現的瑪雅人身上..即使他們預測到了也改變不了.....那一次..就是上面我所說的 消失的瑪雅文明. 依照瑪雅曆法,地球由始到終分為五個太陽紀,分別代表五次浩劫,其中四個浩劫已經過去,當第五個太陽紀來臨,太陽會消失,大地劇烈搖晃,災難四起,地球會徹底毀滅,按照馬雅曆法是三一一三年,換算為西曆便是二○一二年十二月二十二日。

雖然很多民族都有末日預言,但為何瑪雅人所說的末日預言,會受到人們的重視,原因是瑪雅曆法的計算,非常準確,從瑪雅人的曆法得知,他們早已知道地球公轉時間,是三百六十五日又六小時又二十四分二十秒,誤差非常之少。另外對於其他星體的運行時間,在計算上亦非常準確,對於數學上「○」的單位數位,早在三千年前,瑪雅人已經使用而且他們所繪製的航海圖.比現在任何一個都要精確... 瑪雅人說2012年12月21日的黑夜降臨以後,12月22日的黎明永遠不會到來... 而他們預測世界末日的毀滅方式是...人類自殺...剩下的人自相殘殺....

美國航天局和世界上一些著名的語言家都證實了瑪雅的預言.. 當然...這些並不絕對....只是有一點...瑪雅人所說的2012年...地球將會發生重大的改變...這是肯定的... 22日晚00.00點,天空變的異常悶熱,人們有的睡著了,有的還是過著一樣的夜生活,忽然,黑夜大地被照的通紅毛,天空出現耀眼的火光…隨之狂風大起…大地開始巨烈搖晃,啪,啪…"下火雨了"只聽到有人在叫…當人們還在以為這是獨特的自然景象時,卻不知道浩劫就要來了…一顆直徑達半個地球大小的隕石直奔地球而來,……救命啊…整個地球處於火熱的地獄大地在燃燒…10級地震,完了,徹底的…轟…隕石降臨了,衝擊波強於1000億個原子彈,…整個世界崩潰,橫屍億裏…是的上一次是恐龍,而這次…23日,黑暗,整個地球,回到了幾千億年前的冰川時代…人類時代徹底的被畫上了句號。

This is an email message which i received few days ago. It declared that the Dooms Day for human race will b on 21st of Dec 2012 (0000 hour). What do u think? Believe it? It got any impact on u after u read it? I'm getting affected also since i post this message. But it doesn't mean that i am starting to become nervous or scare of this declaration from becoming true. I'm quite interested with the 'Mayan's estimation codes' and i think afterwards i will get xplored more on it in internet soon. No wonder why the movie <2012> will get famous so soon and i think it might due to the fear of DYING in the human kind. Human, juz like you and me, sometimes are quite curious to know what will happen to them in the future. Therefore the movie's director used the imagination of human to create this movie and yet, it won't actually mirror the real situation of 2012 in the future. It might be more severe and the condition of our earth may become more terrible, cant imagine it!! But those are just human's imagination, no any proofs on it yet. If really the estimation has been proved by the scientists or meteorologists as what the passage said, they sure will work hard to avoid this disaster, i believe, and no reason for you to deny it.

If this really become true, I will not sad. Instead, i will happy. Because it is a very rare opportunity for a human to witness and experience such a big disaster for human race. It will be my luck to witness a disaster that will happen within few thousands years. All we have to do now is to do or complete whatever things you will regret in your life if you cant make it. so don't waste your time already, time is running out, don't make your life being wasted. I already started, how about you?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sharing E-mail

Though i received this email for more than twice already, but i still like it. I prefer the most the musix box sound effect-<遇见> ,very comfortable. Hope all the readers can find the other part that u will feel comfortable with him...









Sunday, November 8, 2009











Mum: Ah Yong ya, your life now is so good...!

Yong: Why ler? How good is my life now?

Mum: Coz you have your own laptop and car since your 1st year in university.

Yong: Then.....?

Mum: Look at your bro and sis, they didn't have such things during their 1st year..

Mum: But you are different, you have everything!!

Yong: Since when I have 'everything'??

Mum: What you still don't have now?

Yong: A girl friend lor...!!

Mum: ..............Zha Dou(cantonese).....T_T

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beh Tahan Liao!!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Not A Good Counsellor!!

Recently a lot of my friends and relatives surrounding me are not happy and all have their own problems. I always tell people that I'm a good listener and can become a gud counsellor as well. However, I'm not. I can't counselling them and help them to solve their problems... Embaracing!! Just hope that they can settle their problems as soon as possible and get back to their happy life as soon as possible....I love you all!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2nd Car....

Yup, let me introduce about my new arrival car - Proton Wira 1.6XLi (A). Belows are some of the specs of my car:

Product: Proton Wira Saloon
Year of Made: 1996
Engine: 4G92P
Displacements: 1597 c.c.
Colour: Blue + Silver
My 1st car is 1993 Wira 1.5GL, so i gonna talk about some difference about the current and the formal cars. For me, my current car gives me more horsepower(111bhp) , thanks to its Mitsubishi's 4G92 engine. It is a series of straight-4 engines ,16-valve, and use single-overhead camshaft heads. Some feature MIVEC Variable Valve Timing, and it was the first modern electronic fuel-injection engine upon its introduction in August 1996. And 1 more thing i like about tiz car is dat i can play around wif the additional ECO/POW mode and the overdrive button. Besides, when driving on the highway, this car seems to consume less petrol compared to the 1.5 Wira, mayb due to the ability to reach until 4th gear for 1.6 wira gua. The tachometer can still remains at low rev/rpm though the speedometer has ald reach quite high. So, overall this car can be said to save more petrol than the previous 1. And thus i decided to use it as my second car in my university's life. However, tiz car got little problem on its gearbox where its shifting is not smooth as the engine hasn't warm up yet. And 1 more thing dat i dun like is its engine will become unusually heat in just few minutes while the negine is running. But i think this is the common problem faced by all the 1.6 Wira's owners.....

Saturday, September 26, 2009



Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yup, tiz was my owesome looks where my fren_Ah Goh created tiz cute '8 liong gam' image to describe me.Cute rite? Tiz was the 1st time i started to keep a long hair (long enuf for me la) and yet,im nt happy wif it. I'm desperate nt bcoz of the funny 'so zai' is just quite difficult for me to accept the truth dat i'm facing the problem of potentially becoming a BOTAK!! My hair dropped a lot recently and the picture below shows how bad and serious is my condition now.

The circle shows the bold space of my hair..terrible!! I oni noticed it when my fren told me last week. I'm getting a deep 'M' hairstyle at my forehead!! Most of the chinese say that ppl wif 'M' hairstyle at forehead are usually a handsome guy or a pretty girl. And if this statement is true, i think i can be considered as the SUPER HANDSOME GUY already NOW!! Haha..... I shouldn't get botak so soon....I'm still young!!I will nt afraid to face tiz problem and i will get the advices from barbers or specialists soon....mayb by tomorrow. I think the worst solution for me is....just cut off all my hair into BOTAK. Coz according the others, after i cut until botak and grow back hair times, my hair will getting more and more. How trustable is this method? I don't know. I will just give it a try...I'm not afraid to be a macho BOTAK in this age.....

一封令我感到惭愧的。。朋友 EMAIL

送給你! 忙 的 時 候 , 想 要 休 息 ;
渡假 的 時 候 , 想 到 未 來 。
窮的 時 候 , 渴 望 富 有 ;
生活 安 逸 了 , 怕 幸 福 不 能 長 久 。
該決 定 的 時 候 , 擔 心 結 果 不 如 預 期 ;
看明 白 了 , 後 悔 當 初 沒 有 下 定 決 心 。
不屬 於 自 己 的 , 常 常 心 存 慾 望 ;
握在 手 裡 了 , 又 懷 念 未 擁 有 前 的輕 鬆 。
生命 若 不 是 現 在 ,那 是 何 時 ?
一 個 人 可 以 毫 無 道 理 跟 你 做 一 輩 子 親 戚 ,
但 一 個 人 不 會 毫 無 道 理 跟 你 做 一 輩 子
朋 友 我會 想 起 . . 與 你 們 認 識 的 種 種 . .
也會 想 起 .. . 發 生 過 的 點 點 滴 滴 . .
直到 我 們 都 年 老 時 . . 是 否 會 像 現 在 這 樣 . . 坐 在 電 腦 前 互 訴 心 聲
不管 如 何 . . 希 望 我 們 永 遠 是 真 誠 相 對 的 朋 友 ( 知 己 ) . ..
朋 友 就 是 喜 歡 你 也 了 解 你 的 人願 你 都 能 珍 惜 身 邊 每 一 個 朋 友
因 為 你 我 有 緣 份 , 才 能 成 為 朋 友可 以 成 為 知 己 的 , 更 難 得 !
時 間 未 必 O 你 我 成 為 知 己 的 原 因但 一 定 可 以 証 明 到 你 對 朋 友 的 關 懷 不 是 白 費 !
希 望 您 永 遠 都 係 我 的 好 朋 友 !
朋 友 , 是 你 高 興 時 想 跟 他 分 享 的 ,
朋 友 , 是 你 不 高 興 時 可 以 給 你 發 脾 氣 的 ,
朋 友 , 也 是 在 你 沒 錢 開 飯 時 打 救 你 的 ,
朋 友 , 你 悶 得 發 荒 時 可 以 跟 你 一 同 發 荒 的 ,
朋 友 , 會 甘 願 給 功 課 你 抄 , 跟 你 一 同 出 貓 一 同 被 人 罰 的 ,
朋 友 , 也 是 你 買 手 信 時 , 想 買 一 份 大 的 給 他 的,
朋 友 , 也 是 你 看 見 他 上 線 時 , 想 給 他 ' 喔 噢 ' !
想 要 體 會 「 一 年 」 有 多 少 價 值 , 你 可 以 去 問 一 個 失 敗 重 修 的 學 生 想 要 體 會 「 一 月 」 有 多 少 價 值 , 你 可 以 去 問 一 個 不 幸 早 產 的 母 親 .想 要 體 會 「 一 週 」 有 多 少 價 值 , 你 可 以 去 問 一 個 定 期 週 刊 的 編 輯 想 要 體 會 「 一 小 時 」有 多 少 價 值 ,你 可 以 去 問 一 對 等 待 相 聚 的 戀人. 想 要 體 會 「 一 分 鐘 」有 多 少 價 值 , 你 可 以 去 問 一 個 錯 過 火 車 的 旅人 想 要 體 會 「 一 秒 鐘 」有 多 少 價 值 ,你 可 以 去 問 一 個 死 裡 逃 生 的幸運儿 想 要 體 會 「 一 毫 秒 」有 多 少 價 值 ,你 可 以 去 問 一 個 錯 失 金 牌的運动員 朋 友 就 是 ~ ~ 即 使 是 一 點 小 感 動 , 一 點 小 事 情 都 想 一 起 分 享
朋 友 就 是 ~ ~ 當 你 抱 頭 μ h 哭 的 時 候 , 扶 著 你 肩 膀 的 那 個 人
朋 友 就 是 ~ ~ 當 你 面 對 人 生 挫 折 時 , 一 直 緊 握 你 那 雙 手
你 好 嗎 ?你 能 夠 看 到 它 是 你 與 他 的 緣 份
你 能 夠 和 你 身 邊 的 人 做 朋 友 也 是 你 與 他 的 緣 份
縱 使 你 不 知 道 這 夥 流 星 會 何 時 消 失
但 如 若 你 好 好 珍 惜 看 到 這 流 星 的 每 一 刻
那 就 算 流 星 走 了 你 也 不 會 後 悔
請 大 家 好 好 珍 惜 身 邊 的 每 一 個 人珍 惜 這 段 友 誼 !
建 立 友 誼 如 像 種 樹 , 因 為 友 誼 是 一 株 樹
( T R E E ) :
T : T r u s t ( 信 任 )
R : R e s p e c t ( 尊 重 )
E : E x c h a n g e ( 交 流 )
E : E m o t i o n a l S u p p o r t ( 精 神 支 持 )
---- 好 朋 友 守 則 ----
朋 友 就 是 無 形 中 伴 你 走 過 風 雨 , 永 遠 支 持 你 的 力 量
朋 友 就 是 一 種 無 法 言 喻 的 美 好 感 覺
朋 友 就 是 在 別 人 面 前 永 遠 護 著 你 的 那 個 人
朋 友 就 是 即 使 是 一 點 小 感 動 , 一 點 小 事 情 都 想 一 起 分 享
朋 友 就 是 當 你 抱 頭 痛 哭 的 時 候 , 扶 著 你 肩 膀 的 那 個 人
朋 友 就 是 當 你 面 對 人 生 挫 折 時 , 一 直 緊 握 你 的 那 雙 手
喜歡在你身邊....因為你是我快樂的唯一因素 ...

幸福方程式: 一顆敢夢的心+兩倍的努力+三倍的行動 就能成就百分之的幸福和成功

Sunday, August 30, 2009



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A DoWn Day!!

2day can be considerd as a DOWN day for me coz i juz received 2 bad news that 2 uncles that i know passed away already in the same day. 1 uncle is my dad's best friend and he treated us very good. But he suddenly got heart-attack then died when he was playing badminton just now. Maybe he too exhausted already. The other uncle is my youngest sister's roomate's father, he is a Singkh. I met him when my family and i sent my sister to study at UiTM's INTEC. He had a car accident after he came back from his company according to my sister. Finally, due to severe injuries, he cannot be cured anymore. I was thinking while human life is so fragile and might passed away at whenever time. While i was blogging just now, an unlucky thing happened. A bee just stung on my leg, PAINNNNN........!!After about 5 minutes, my leg started to BENGKAK but the lucky thing is i still can continue blogging, haha!!! Hope that the bee that stung me won't have any poison la...God Bless the family of the 2 uncles and bless me also...!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Yeah...Holiday nw!!

2day is the 1st day of my 1 week short breaks....argh...yeah, 2day can be considered as the 1st day though i started my holidays since last Wednesday(my uni has been shut down due to the severe H1N1 cases). What am i doing during this short term breaks?? Study lor, whatelse??a lot of tests papers and assignments waiting for me after this breaks.....Hell No!! Thus i have to start doing revision now to boost back my poor academic results(my CGPA dropped last sem). But i really feel bored especially when i face with Laplace Theorem and frequency response of certain circuits...Besides, i feel sleepy as i were required to find the value of current or voltage in a given circuit by using Thevenin Theorem, superposition,current divider or voltage divider methods. I'm still confusing whether i've taken the right course, Electrical Engineering. Ok la, dun talk abt studying anymore. Lets change topics... Now i start missing other friends in my university already...They all went back to their hoemtown....don't know what are they doing right now? Are they also feel boring like me now? Or went to have some activities such as watching sunset near the beach? Haiz....till now i don't ever watch sunset yet....So don't knw hw will b the feeling while watching sunset...especially with the 1 that u love and care....!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Be aware of.....Virus!!

H1N1 is attacking my university...Nw my university have already 3 confirmed cases and 5 more suspected cases of H1N1, according to my friends' information. Every1 in my university become more nervous as they saw i wore a mask and walked in the university. Every1 plz take gud care of ur health, drink more water and wash hands more frequently....Especially my friends, plz go to see the doctor as you feel not well and it is still not too late for recovering....don't ever be afraid to face the truth as i will owaz by ur side.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Conv3rsatioN btw Giam Xiap Gui(s)~

N: 喂, 你干嘛到处去跟人说我在家里限制很多规则?
XX: 不是嚒? 你不是说每个星期一直四晚上8点后要全部人聚在二厅, 共用电灯和风扇,不要浪费电,对吗?我只是说事实而已...
N:事实?事实是那个是啊Jay定的规则, 问我们意见时,又不见你反对?
XX:还有, 你是不是跟我讲过如果我带电COOKER来, 你要我另付电费?不然就不准我带来...
N:的确我有这样讲过, 可是我有向你提议,如果你已经有那个电COOKER,可以带来让大家一起用. 不然我们也可以一起筹钱买一个呀.....
N: 哪里知道你却要我自己出钱买一个让大家用.天啊!你以为我是开金矿的吗?就算我家里人有一点钱, 那也是他们的钱啊! 我和你们一样,用着自己的钱进来读书, 哪来那么多钱?我是不会向家里要钱的.
XX: 这.........
N: 所以计划拉倒了,现在你才向我身边的好友说我的不是, 这样好吗?做人不可以太过分,太自私或吝啬,在别人背后说人家坏话更要不得........

Today is the most desperate day for me because i become the 'HOT' person that everyone talking about,especially FKEE 3rd year students. Shud i be happy or sad...?I have been blamed to be a SUPER STINGY person.....don't care whether the humors are truth or wrong, i shud take this as a chance for me to try a life that every1 stare at you with different and weird view...yup, i shud appreciate it....!!

Friday, July 3, 2009


。。。eii...有好多好多的信唷!(一堆是和朋友的通信,另一堆是中学时代收到的暗恋者们的信:P) 回想起当时被暗恋的时光还真爽呀,有些甚至只收到生日礼物却没看过庐山真面目。但是信件里却留着一张留着一个EMAIL ADD 和另一张留着一个手机号码的纸条,真想打去查看对方是谁,很好奇吗。。。。。
。。。eii...又看到一张多年前和一班小孩子露营所拍的照片。当时我和几位朋友才读FORM4,便到KL 去参与照顾小孩的郊外露营。照片里的我们个个看起来都很年轻,不像现在,是时候认老咯!现在各有各忙,有些已经不在国内了!(叹!!!)。。。。。。

Monday, June 29, 2009

KL 一日游

昨天,6月28日星期天,我连同我爸妈一同送我妹到KL 的UTiM 里的INTEC去报到! 她拿到JPA 奖学金,所以头两年在那儿读A LEVEL MEDICINE, 接着两年才到本地NOTTINGHAM大学读两年药剂科,最后两年才到英国NOTTINGHAM大学读完药剂科,令我非常羡慕。想想看,如果我能够出国读书,那个情景是多么的美妙呀。。阿荣,不要再发白日梦咯!我已经老了,呜呜~另一样我羡慕的事情是我送我妹到她宿舍时看到很多华人女学生,华人和马来人成50%的对比,真是太棒了!这种“好”事绝对不会发生在本地大学,尤其是我现在正读这的那间,真羡慕。然而,事情往往不是十全十美的,因为我妹的宿舍简直简陋的无法和我大学宿舍相比。我有在那儿拍了一些照片~



之前有关JPA奖学金的分配制度闹得满城风雨一事,我本人有一些些小意见。许多拿不到奖学金的家庭一直不断地在投诉,说什么分配制度不够透明化,那多A的学生无法被录取,反而一些成绩不是说最好的却成功被录取。其实我本人也不太明白与了解JPA自己真正的制度,我还以为这个奖学金是给一些成绩优异及家境穷或不富裕的学生所申请的。然而,我看见摆在我妹宿舍旁学生家长们的轿车大部分都是豪华房车,不论种族。什么MERC-BENZ,BMW,VOLKSWAGON, TOYOTA 和 HONDA 等,他们都是奖学金得主的代步工具耶,难以想象吧!难怪马来西亚人渐渐地都学着新加坡人的“怕输”嗜好,喜欢尽早地把孩子送去补习。补的多自然而然地就比别人优胜了一些吗。补的习多,成绩很难不会拿得多A一些吧。 家长们的理念是从小可以投资一些在孩子的补习费用,将来补到拿到好成绩,就能够拿到JPA奖学金,可以省下一大笔出国读书的费用。 照我而言,补习真的可以令成绩突飞猛进,因为补习与考试的大纲来来去去都差不多一样吗!只要在补习时记下老师所教的,在考试时重复的写下来,就可以啦!那些因为穷而无法供孩子补习,间接造成孩子无法拿到好成绩,无法拿到奖学金,难道都是因为家境没有钱的关系?有钱的才可以拿到奖学金出国深造?这就让你们好好分析吧。。。

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

......(~: Will You Marry Me?? :~)......

20th June 2009 was my eldest brother, Eric Liong Boon Hee's wedding BIG day! My family held a wedding's open house on the previous day. I woke up early in the morning at 6am on dat BIG day and went to the bride's house together with the groom and his BROTHERS in 6 different cars. When we reached at the bride's house, an accident occured, but it wasn't a big matter. My brother, the groom forgot to bring along the flower's bucket which is a must in the Chinese's tradition. So all we had to do were trying to delay the time and asked my sister to bring it to us as soon as possible. I, as the camera man was responsible to take photos and record down all the wedding sceneries.

#Good Posers#

Oh ya, have to introduce a bit on the groom's wedding car. It is a Mercedes-Benz SLK 200 which is my eldest brother's boss's sports car. It is a compact roadster sports car which uses 1.8L Kompressor with supercharged 4 cylinder engine with 184 horse power. I had a try to drive this car on that BIG day and here were some of my comments about this car. I found out that it uses a lot of high-tech electronic devices on the dashboard including the speedometer as well. After i poked in the keyless go sensor device and start the engine, i could hear the 'pleasant' engine sounds which is full of power, thanks to the Supercharged kompressor engine. However, it just has 2 doors with 2 seats and lack of the boots space. So it is quite nt convenient to some people. Furthermore, for those driver who normally drive a normal compact sedans like me, i have a problem to see clearly where is the top front-end and rear-end from the cabin inside though my height is tall enough in this car. So have to depends on the sensors in the car. There is a centre wide screen in the car which i think is GPS display but i have no ideas on how to operate it. Because the instructions are in Japanese language(It is a brand-new recon. car from Japan spec.) I was quite dissappointed on its acceleration as i pressed the pedal to quite deep. It didn't let me feel that i'm driving a sports car. Instead, it lets me feel that im driving a normal comfort compact car with more horse-power. Then i changed to use the manual-shift mode (it uses merc. 6 speeds tiptronic-semi auto gearbox), the feel was still the same. This is the first time of my experience on driving a sports car.....

#Counting Ang Pao's Money#

In the evening before the wedding dinner started, i brought my family went to the saloon to set our hairstyles. After that, we went to the restaurant to get all ready. While the dinner is running, my 2 sisters with a friend and me faster went into a secret room to count the Ang Pau's money to be totalled up. Unfortunately the count of the ang pau values and its money were not tally at that time. Then we continued to find out where was the problem. We spent few hours in there until we missed to see what was going on out there, in the wedding ceremony.We started to count the money inside the room before the dinner startsed and finished counting while the dinner was about to be finished. I still remember it was 10.15pm at that time we finished counting and we havent eat at all. I was starving and having gastriks at that time and faster find a seat to sit and eat. Who knows the chairperson called out my name to sing a song on the stage after my sister and brother sang. So, no choice lor, i have to sing. My pitch of singing a Lee Hom's song was not accurate, so embaracing. Fortunately my dad had recorded down all the scenes from the beginning and the end. Then only i can replay back those scenes. Finally, I would like to wish my brother and my sister-in-law, Happy Ever After.....

#Family's Photo#

#Happy Ever After...#

Monday, June 8, 2009

The 1st Rule: Don't Panic!!

Still got 2 more weeks to reach my eldest bro's wedding dinner night. So i think he will be very busy recently preparing for that night, so do I. I went to sing at Greenbox ktv at Jusco yesterday with my eldest sis, my 2nd bro and my youngest sis. And I was asked to duet with my eldest sis at my bro's wedding dinner night. Then my youngest sis will duet with my 2nd bro at that night also. My duet song is 《另一个天堂》which is sang by Lee Hom and a China gal. Whereas my youngest sis duet's song is《心愿便利贴》which is taken from the Taiwanese famous drama or 《命中注定我爱你》. Yesterday was like a training lesson for singing for us. My sis duet group got it done very soon maybe due to the song is easier to be sang compared with my duet song. My eldest sis and I still haven't mastered it so far. The hardest part is how to mix my voice with her voice during duet time so that the song will be nicer. And my sis is quite busy doing her job at KL and she might not come back in this weekend. So i'm quite panic whether we got time to practice to get better performance before 20th June since she will only come back during weekend. And at first I planned to sing solo Lee hom's another song which is 《爱你等于爱自己》. However when i sang this song yesterday, my siblings said this song is not so nice. so, i might change to sing the song which is 《春雨里洗过的太阳》. Also Lee hom's song, well....This song and my duet song are in his latest album:HeartBeat. So my duet song has been confirmed already. Just need to see how will be my 'condition' at that night only. If my 'condition' is not so good, I will only sing the duet song, say bye bye to the solo song. Practice makes perfect, I hope I can perform well at the night of 20th June...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


星期日早上,和朋友们唱完K后,我便在JUSCO里捐血。当天,一名无经验的医务马来安娣,往我的右手插了用来抽血的针下去,抽着抽着,开头一切都很顺利,突然间我的血流得越来越慢,她赶紧去找另一个华人医务人员来看看。那位华人安娣一见状,便马上把那支正插在我右手上的针拔进拔出,又左右两旁移动,再用PAM血压的器材加压,搞了半天,我的血还是一样,毫无反应。最后眼看自己的右手已开始麻痹,快无感觉,整支手已呈现紫色,她们才告诉我可能刚才空气进入我血中,导致血袋里的血已凝固了一大部分。我的天呀,我的血已装至差不多1/2包血袋了,现在才告诉我那包血袋里的血不能输给任何病人了, 就此作废!休息了一下,另一支针就往我的左手血脉的部位狠狠地咬了一口,大口大口地在吸食着。最后,捐血过程才圆满结束。那天,我总共丧失了大概有700ML的血(左手450ML,右手250ML)。 本以为一切都已结束,才刚捐完血,便马上拔了刚才贴在右手上的胶布(为了在女性朋友面前耍帅吗!)谁知其中一位朋友因为身体不适,晕了过去。在帮忙扶他起来时,不知是不是用了一点力,我右手的伤口爆裂了,又留血了(PS:右手的伤口特别大一点,还有瘀青一大片,都怪刚才那位马来安娣的杰作)!我的妈呀,又见血了,还把我名牌的长袖衣内侧染上了血迹。我赶忙卷起长袖,不断地吹着伤口,好让血快点凝固。还好伤口比我想象中复原的快,两天时间,右手上的瘀青已慢慢转淡,没那么痛了,今晚还可以和爸一同去练羽球。至于有朋友问我,在上一个BLOG里所说的模拟女友究竟是谁。其实我已说得很明白,她是不存在的,是为了让我自己暂时有爱的感觉而被创造出来的。一直以来我常说看台湾爱情偶像剧的人都是白痴,浪费时间,现在我才知道它很有用。现在我正追看着贺军祥和SHE里的HEBE所演的《斗牛。要不要》,看了这套戏后,我才明白为何现在的年轻人那么爱看偶像剧。 充满着丰富想象力的我,当然也会试着被故事中男女之间的爱情故事所感染啦,以加速令我产生爱的感觉,当然是幻想的啦,哈哈。。。

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gunung Datuk

Today is 17th May 2009, I've planned a personal trip to go hking at Gunung Datuk which is just located near to my house in Rembau, N.Sembilan. Although it is just few miles away from my house, this is the 1st time I climbed Gunung Datuk, what a shamed....Those who accompanied me are 2 friends from Gemas (we knew each other in Form 6). We need to pay RM3 per person as the registration fees, what rule is this? For your information, G. Datuk's height is 885 meter (2,900 feet). And we spent about 4 hours(1.75hrs spent for climbing up-hill, 0.5hrs to stay on the top taking photos, and 1.75hrs for climbing down-hill)

This is up-to-down landscape photo of Rembau
(Took on the top of G. Datuk, quite blur coz megapixels not high enuf:P)

Can u see how big is the rock on the above photo?

Yup, the photo belows was took when i stood on the regarding rock (YEAH)

What a Beautiful scenery up there!!(I took off my shoes, kaka!)

The photo above is the legendary and historical Datuk's footprint on the rock. Some of them said that it was here when Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat fought on the hill and left it. No comment whether it is true or false....

My foot ngam ngam suit to the footprint...Is it means that I'm the legendary Datuk? Unbelievable...

This trip is the trip that i planned since many years ago but never work. However, now it works already(though the members are not so many). Finally i get to hike on the G. Datuk

...Task Completed...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 Days 1 Night in KUKUP.....

On 8th May 2009, some of my classmates + friends & I went for a vacation at Kukup (located in Pontian, Johor) just right after our last paper-Digital Electronics on that day. We departed at around 1pm and reached there at 3pm. Kukup can be considered as a fishing village in which the houses there are built on the sea.

This is the house we rented to stay for 1 night...Bungalow ler.....

Belows are our lunch + dinner

How About Entertainments?

Sing Kara-ok....Jay Chow appears in KUKUP liao~

Few kaki-judi play Mahjong here...Police!!

At the meantime, others are playing poker cards...

What a relaxing beautiful morning~

Take photo, SmIl3S!!

Everyone is Posing~!

We're celebrating our birthday 2gether...

Birthday date: (from left)Me:3th May,Wei Jie:7th May,DK:1st May,Boon:2nd May

Go to see Paya Bakau near to the Taman Negara

The sampan is no more can stand for our weight....


The bridge...