Monday, November 24, 2008


20th NOV2008 was the last day for my final test Electronic Principle and finally my nightmare for this sem had passed. Right after taking test, few friends and I departed to Battu Pahat town to 'jalan-jalan' ! After having lunch 2gether at certain restaurant nearby the Carfour hypermarket, my gang all separated. Most of them went shopping at the Carfour and 2 other friends went singing kara-ok with me. We spent about 4 hrs in the ktv room and sang till we all felt unbearable painful in our throats. We spent RM23.00 each for singing 4 hrs with little snackes provided.

Andrew Chung Ka Hou (right) and I

(right): this guy keep singing oh~My turn la!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy....start from ease.....

My final tests for this semester are about to be finished. So far all the tests which have been taken were still ok for me, i just worry about the last test paper at 20th Nov- Electrical Principle. It is quite tough for me though the chinese lecturer who teach us this subject is quite good and have more experiences. Now i have 2 more tests to be taken, and the EP subject is the hardest subject to be scored A's. How about the day after 20th Nov? Of course it is the time for me to enjoy my holiday lar....I will go to Ipoh for about 1 week to enjoy the delicious foods there, visit to all the famous caves there, hiking, and most importantly refresh my eyes to look for 'leng lui' made in Ipoh, Haha! I cannot wait to go there now seems that so many interesting activities are waiting for me.

Another thing is i get shocked when i received a phone call from my mum on 14th Nov. I was informed that i was success in applying for the Biasiswa Persekutuan JPA. The letter for confirming on the scholarship reached my house at Negeri Sembilan on that day. The happiest thing is i got free money to be used in my university life. The JPA offered me scholar money which is more than i can loan from PTPTN. However, when there is a pros, there will be a cons as well. The criteria for receiving this scholarship is I have to be bonded and work for government for 6 years after I graduated. I know that most of the chinese people hate to work in government sectors because the inefficiency of the work done by government sector maybe due to the majority workers are Malay. I'm not sure whether this is a truth but this is what most of the Chinese claimed. I critic so many things in my previous post but in the future need to work for them, haiz...Hoping that everythings that i critic will get improvement soon.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


今天(11-08-11)我为第三年搬出去找屋子的事情很烦恼,不知要搬去哪里或未来的HOUSEMATE 是谁也令我感到头痛。有一个人人都不想跟他住的,人称ROBOT,又硬要和我一起住。虽然我已经很明确地告诉他我的未来HOUSEMATE已经够人了,叫他另外找其他人。可是,在他却好像不明白似的,死缠着我不放。难道要我再一次地警告他?人人都说此举会不会很残忍,也听说他很容易哭的。我倒想看看一个21岁的大男人动不动就哭的模样。。!如果他真的那么容易就哭的话,那他还不如做个小妹妹吧!

另外一件令我生气的事是今天我穿着运动装走到宿舍大门前,想要拿打包好的华人餐。怎知未到门前,坐在亭边的保安人员叫了我过去,问我为何穿没袖的衣服, 还叫我跑回3楼去换了有袖的衣服再回来拿饭。混蛋!当时我尝试着说服他让我拿了就在眼前的饭回去,以后会记得穿整齐的衣服下去。结果呢,他以很‘串’的口气警告我回去换了衣服再回来。当时的我真想一拳就挥到他脸上去,可是最终还是沉住了气。换了衣服下来,只看见另一位女保安人员问刚刚那位保安人员道:“KAMU BETUL-BETUL SURUH DIA BALIK TUKAR BAJU LEPAS TU BALIK AMBIL MAKANAN KE?”接着就听到那两位保安对着我哈哈大笑。我好像变成了一个猴子,被人耍了再耻笑!这是个什么样的大学宿舍?连穿个无袖衣都会被阻止。不如他干脆命令所有的人都把自己包得像粽子一样,在大热天气下走动麽?以下是事发地点和我所穿的服装:

有时我真的很憎恨那一些马来人,说什么自己是BUMIPUTRA(真正的土著才是ORANG ASLI),说我们华人是PENDATANG,其实他们跟我们一样,都属于PENDATANG。 有了这种人,才有现今腐败的政府。虽然我也有一些较要好的马来朋友,但我不可不承认我超想诅咒他们,他们是马来西亚继续向前发展的绊脚石。但我们有何办法?我们也只好无奈的继续让这些寄生虫迅速的繁殖,看着国家保持原地不动。说什么马来西亚已成为一个不同种族的民主国家,其实呢也就是挂羊头卖狗肉,对非回教徒也那么专制。表面上说民主,事实上和将MALAYA改为马来西亚之前一样,这是我们马来人的地方!(以上所说的一切是不正确的,猪头,我是人,马来西亚公民,我对现今马来西亚政府非常满意!}10,19,21,22,25{ )

Thursday, November 6, 2008



有人说一种发型适合一个人必不代表也适合另一个人。 但我非常渴望王力宏的发型会适合我咯。各位试幻想看看,照片里的力宏的脸孔换成我的,会是怎么样?见到鬼吗??!!