Monday, July 27, 2009

Conv3rsatioN btw Giam Xiap Gui(s)~

N: 喂, 你干嘛到处去跟人说我在家里限制很多规则?
XX: 不是嚒? 你不是说每个星期一直四晚上8点后要全部人聚在二厅, 共用电灯和风扇,不要浪费电,对吗?我只是说事实而已...
N:事实?事实是那个是啊Jay定的规则, 问我们意见时,又不见你反对?
XX:还有, 你是不是跟我讲过如果我带电COOKER来, 你要我另付电费?不然就不准我带来...
N:的确我有这样讲过, 可是我有向你提议,如果你已经有那个电COOKER,可以带来让大家一起用. 不然我们也可以一起筹钱买一个呀.....
N: 哪里知道你却要我自己出钱买一个让大家用.天啊!你以为我是开金矿的吗?就算我家里人有一点钱, 那也是他们的钱啊! 我和你们一样,用着自己的钱进来读书, 哪来那么多钱?我是不会向家里要钱的.
XX: 这.........
N: 所以计划拉倒了,现在你才向我身边的好友说我的不是, 这样好吗?做人不可以太过分,太自私或吝啬,在别人背后说人家坏话更要不得........

Today is the most desperate day for me because i become the 'HOT' person that everyone talking about,especially FKEE 3rd year students. Shud i be happy or sad...?I have been blamed to be a SUPER STINGY person.....don't care whether the humors are truth or wrong, i shud take this as a chance for me to try a life that every1 stare at you with different and weird view...yup, i shud appreciate it....!!

5 声响屁!!:

Nic Da Nic said...

actually you don't need to be so mind of what people told u

yeah, everyone has her/ his own gossip.

just be yourself
1st you should ask, whether a not you are super stingy

to be stingy ok...with certain parameters like you don't want to spend for unnecessary things which you don't even need by the moment.every ones family has their own financial status right?

2nd, if u are super stingy..then you should tell them will become so stingy??????
if u think it is a bad side of yours
then change it

if you don't ...try to accept it..
they will understand it......

(",) said...

haiz....yup, im stingy , but in certain parameters oni...i juz hate ppl try to change the truth bcum a lie that will destroy my reputation....

o lang! said...

yor liong boon yeong...

XX= jojo??

(",) said...

dun simply guess la, olang! xx can be anyone....nt certainly ur JoJo, ok?

jing jing said...

waa boon yong..dun so kek hei a..take k..