Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A DoWn Day!!

2day can be considerd as a DOWN day for me coz i juz received 2 bad news that 2 uncles that i know passed away already in the same day. 1 uncle is my dad's best friend and he treated us very good. But he suddenly got heart-attack then died when he was playing badminton just now. Maybe he too exhausted already. The other uncle is my youngest sister's roomate's father, he is a Singkh. I met him when my family and i sent my sister to study at UiTM's INTEC. He had a car accident after he came back from his company according to my sister. Finally, due to severe injuries, he cannot be cured anymore. I was thinking while human life is so fragile and might passed away at whenever time. While i was blogging just now, an unlucky thing happened. A bee just stung on my leg, PAINNNNN........!!After about 5 minutes, my leg started to BENGKAK but the lucky thing is i still can continue blogging, haha!!! Hope that the bee that stung me won't have any poison la...God Bless the family of the 2 uncles and bless me also...!!

1 声响屁!!:

Sky said...

this is really a bad news that need to be post..
life is 'u chang de"